Microsoft: "No plans to change Xbox Live Gold" at this time

Yep, there are so many options possible and I hope they will talk about it this month.



Saw that too…

Uhhhhhh…wat. Someone should check that Game Pass claim made there too. Claim was having Gold gets you Game Pass access without a GP sub. Anyone test this?

Wait, could this be a GPU free weekend? That would account for both claims made in the reddit thread.

If it’s a free weekend, wouldn’t they have advertised it prior? Like, on Monday?

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They usually announce free weekends on Thursdays, so they could still announce something.

But with all the rumours about multiplayer going free, it would be one of the worst-timed promotions Microsoft has ever done.


I’m starting to think maybe they were going to get rid of Gold but the acquisition of WB and possible TikTok might be playing on their mind leading to this recent statement. I think if they were to acquire WB and TikTok they would not be looking at removing one of their revenue streams at the same time. Maybe before the TikTok talks they thought they could get away with WB + removing Gold but doing all 3 is a bit much. I’m not sure shareholders/investors would be too keen on MS spending so much money then remove a big revenue stream for good will to Xbox players.

With that all said I still think they will remove it, hence why they’re saying “at this time” which makes me think what I just said is even more so.

Them addressing the rumors and speculation is nearly confirming it, in my opinion.

Jez on Twitter now seems to be saying it’s not going free anytime soon.

Removing the Gold barrier from free to play games is pretty much guaranteed to happen. Question is if Gold itself is also going away. I personally hope so. I always hate renewing my gold whereas i am more than happy to renew my Game Pass.

I just tried some games on my second account without gold or gamepass and MW2 on 360 and MW2 on X1 didn’t let me play multiplayer but CODWWII did. Interesting.

Free play weekends have not included 360 games in the past.


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That was before he got wind of this new development. Saw him say that right before stuff started happening on Reddit iirc.

He hasn’t commented on that. I’m certain it’s just a free weekend of GPU or live. Starting on a Thursday pretty much nails that to me. They are 100% not just dropping free multiplayer.

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It started a couple hrs early though. And to do it across all X1 games without announcing? Nah. There are other reasons they might shadow drop it (countering Sony’s show, which I’m sure they expected to get a price at, clarifying plans wrt rumors). Not saying it’s happening. I’m betting it is a glitch personally.

Guys nothing to see here


06/08/20 – 10/08/20

This weekend, everyone plays! Anybody can enjoy free access to Call of Duty: Modern Warfare multiplayer, Borderlands 3, DRAGON BALL FIGHTERZ and Black Desert on their consoles this weekend. Plus, on PC or console, enjoy free access to Gears 5, Subnautica or ARK: Survival Evolved. Your friends don’t have Xbox Live Gold? Not a problem, this weekend everyone can play multiplayer and battle it out online. Your friends don’t have Xbox Game Pass? This weekend everyone gets a taste of Xbox Game Pass with Monster Hunter World, ARK: Survival Evolved, Gears 5, Elder Scrolls Online, Subnautica and Naruto to Boruto: Shinobi Striker, that are free to play.

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So if Xbox Live Gold isn’t going free anytime soon, why on earth have Microsoft removed the annual option for live?

That really sucks if there plan is basically to increase the cost of Gold by making people pay monthly or quarterly… It looks like it may have gone from Gold being free to now Gold being more expensive?