Microsoft-Activision-Blizzard Discussion Thread (Part 1)

I don’t think it means that at all. It’s PR speak for “we’re not going to suddenly remove existing games from Playstation”. The idea that the government would stop this deal unless MS releases a single game (among thousands) on Playstation is truly laughable to me.

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This could mean anything literally the back catalog on PS would meet this. It could also mean they’ll get new games. Let the speculation fly.



Yall need to let that anti trust and DOJ fear monguering out the door.


That single game sells #1 every year and was #1 and #2 most sold game, not like it’s a small Indy game. It would be contributing a large chunk of PlayStations revenue.

On PS5 via Game Pass.

It’s reaching a level of absurdity I didn’t think was possible. :smile:

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lol people are talking anti-trust when MS by all indications is still looking and considering sizeable publishers after this deal goes through. :rofl:

We know how Phil gets down. He’s stashing the “Coming exclusively to Xbox, PC, and Game Pass” bomb drop in his back pocket for the 202? Xbox Showcase.


interesting takes going on right now but nothing set in stone right now, i think it’s clear Phil want GP on PS.

Time would tell how this would pan out.

Oh god, the insufferable part of a big acquisition begins again


Most people who are arguing either way most likely don’t even play cod :sweat_smile:

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like do people realize sony would be more at risk for anti-trust scrutiny if they purchased a large publisher, moreso than MS due to the state of the gaming market?

Yeah, if I was an investor this would be my first thought.

Strap yourself in for the next year!


Pardon if anybody takes what Im going to say the wrong way next

But I am sick and tired of people expecting xbox to be the Red Cross of gaming. Literally nobody asks or demands anybody else the shit people are demanding of xbox with their purchases and games. Be it game pass on switch, ps5, exclusivity and all that.

Where is this energy for Nintendo games becoming more accessible or ps now on xbox? Why is it xbox the one that has to share the stuff they have certainly worked hard for in this industry?

Its beyond me this attitude and expectations of xbox that people have.


I never seen such a divided answer to a post. This is going to be a really long wait.

A post was merged into an existing topic: Phil Spencer shares intent to honour all previous agreements and desire to keep Call of Duty on PlayStation

Ok, what’s next? Elder Scrolls 6 also releasing on PS5? Start with one, might as well release everything else.

Sony wouldn’t even think twice about keeping COD out of Xbox if it were them.

This “good guy” attitude is starting to piss me off like never before.