Microsoft-Activision-Blizzard Discussion Thread (Part 1)

Nothing discourages users from buying Linux PC than Linux itself :joy: And Apple with their prices too.



Offtopic a bit, but this is accurate. I have a steam deck and occasionally peruse the steam deck reddit and I always chuckle to myself that half the posts are “I installed this but it’s not working”. or “update installed now X doesn’t work” and I am always like, “welcome to linux everyone”

Apple chose not to orient their Mac as a reliable gaming machine and that was their choice all the time.

Biggest concern I have if this deal is blocked is the precedence that is set. If you’re Microsoft, you really have to worry that your big plans of reaching 3 billion players is essentially a no go anymore. Microsoft has invested in a new innovative service as a pivot to compete in a gaming market where they are getting outsold 2 to 1 by it’s competitors, but if they aren’t actually allowed to compete, you’d really have to worry about Microsoft’s initiative to continue investing so heavily in this space. I really worry that these regulators could essentially kill competition in this space, as the potential precedence set would very likely deter Microsoft from making any acquisitions that would meaningfully change the status quo in the industry.

True. Linux is too fragmented to gain true success. Steam OS has potential but it requires a robust software support, including legacy. Similar with Apple but Apple is not even willing to provide anything close to Proton.

Microsoft from day 1 are ok with putting it down in writing not even a question. Just they won’t sign a forever deal because no sane company would unless there is a million caveats that are crazy.

I think most people who buy Mac machines (myself included) go into it knowing they aren’t gaming machines.

Linux is really good at a lot, but I would never use it as a daily driver, though I may be bias (am Windows server admin).


They cannot say more than that. Obviously the point of contention is COD in GP, but Microsoft won’t agree to that concession and thus essentially we just have to wait for phase 2. I don’t see that deal being blocked, just delayed due to phases 2 and Sony’s shenanigans :man_shrugging:

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EC’s approach more in line with CADE’s than CMA. Probably will pass there with no concessions.


The response to the EC is much different than the CMA. Microsoft must feel better about the EC approach.


Seeing the latest developments, its mostly people that have no idea what they are talking about. There’s an article above about Activision insiders, first of all, its clickbait, and second, those supposed insiders go on to say that this is about exclusivity… wich Microsoft already confirmed its not.

And again also, its the CMA the only one here making it troublesome for Microsoft for literally no other reason than obviously rooting for their big guy Jimbo, we all know its just that. I wish there was a proper goverment in the UK once and for all so they could clean house already, this people are either corrupt or just bad at their jobs… and I dont know wich one is worse.

Just like people mentioned it feels more in line with CADE. The did not make Playstation a special unique platform and did not make COD a special one-of-a-kind IP.


This deal was always going to get plenty of scrutiny especially with it being the size it is and involving the second largest company in the world. There’s a reason Microsoft gave themselves till June 2023(and iirc they also have a provision to extend that if necessary) to get this over the line. They’re probably happier that they can now negotiate enmasse with the CMA, FTC and EU regulators on what if anything they may need to concede in the more in depth process they’re now in.


So…not to sound like a contrarian, but is anybody else kind of hoping this falls through so MS aren’t tied up for half a year acquisition-wise? Purely mercernarily, the prospect of an irritated MS with $69b burning a hole in their pocket is much more appealing to me than ABK games being on GP day 1.

I know that Shpeshal_Nick agrees with me that that money is better spent on other studios, but does that extend to this current deal not panning out?

Nope, because it won’t work like that. If the regulators do not approve it, the deal won’t merely stop. It will drag on even further as they fight the decision(s). So instead of only the first half of 2023 it will be all of 2023 and perhaps part of 2024.


Oh my god please let such a thing not happen. That truly would be the worst case scenario, damn! Especially when we (as customers, gamers) take into account the very real possibility that we won’t even get all the older CoD games on Game Pass right away, and who knows what happens with new ones.

This would mean other companies can and will continue to get other (likely more interesting, for me as gamer) studios in the meantime. Nah!!!

I agree. The litigation process will be pretty long. Facebook has been arguing for months regarding Giphy and it was just a minor part of Facebook. Then we have multi-year stuff with ARM where it had no chance to pass in the first place. Especially considering that regulators will have a shaky ground in their arguments because there is no case that can be built against the deal.

And now we have Microsoft going after a crucial piece for their future plans their litigation proces will take years and years. There is literally no other publisher than it is more valuable than ABK for Microsoft.


Woof, thanks for setting me straight. There goes the silver lining I was banking on!

Acquisitions should be like sports when signing a player, if it doesn’t work out, a trade is initiated. So I vote for trading ABK to be what they were in exchange for Capcom and Electronic Arts so the cost evens out. Hehehehe.

What does everyone say??? lmao