Microsoft-Activision-Blizzard Discussion Thread (Part 1)

High. They havent announced any pre-order records broken and its launching in the shadow of CoD. Even if they were merely ok, Sony will never report figures that can be considered a “decline” since you’re just going to get news articles about the god of war IP dying.

I’d guess Microsoft would have some ideas what titles are exclusive and what aren’t, all of these companies are working behind the scenes with studios all the time. It’s not going to be some major secret to them.

100% untrue.

I would say this is most likely the right answer. The deal was always going to phase 2 based on its size. The arguments they laid out so far were the best they could muster. Since most of them appear to be weak on the surface, I’d say it’s likely a good sign this will go through without concessions. Can never underestimate political people doing political things to make it messy…but it’s hard to see much of what was laid out holding up if it went to court. Just no precedence to stop a vertical integration when the vertical being consolidated is just a small slice of the pie. Hard to prevent a new market or paradigm from forming which would only form based on desires of consumers on the hypothesis that others won’t be able to compete in it.

If they narrow the focus to subscriptions (their best bet) then everything that comes from this acquisition is additive to the industry and consumers since ABK games aren’t Day 1 anywhere yet. It’s also additive if it mainstreams gaming subscriptions since other markets show us competitors will join once a market is established.

If they broaden the focus to Microsoft as a publisher, consoles, and everywhere Microsoft might be able to “take away”, it’s a tiny piece of the pie.

Maybe I’m naive…but I just don’t think the case laid out will hold up extremely well in Phase 2. No concessions unless Microsoft gives them a few more guaranteed years to speed up the deal.


Her track record would indicate it’s not. This isn’t logical. I have to assume Sony is smarter than this. All the deals will come out if this thing goes much further.

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I do find it funny that all Sony rumors has some mystery attached to it but zero solid proof, yet a lot folks believe it unconditionally.

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That should be on the court case. Lol. But seriously, they are beloved and all but come on.

I am really tired of the day to day updates about this deal. I just want to fast forward to when the deal closes.


It seems like Goldman Sachs sold 3.7m of shares.

That’s a sign of a lack of confidence


Its more like they are avoiding any risk


This, trading off of any knowledge gained internally from Microsoft or Activision would equate to insider trading.

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I would not be surprised that Goldman Sachs owned ABK stocks for years so they could have bought them much earlier like when they were 40$ for example.

I wonder if during the quarterly call, somebody will ask about ABK :thinking: Or probably not as the people will ask about Azure only just like usual :joy:

Still I enjoy that ABK ride :fire:

It’s all about profit at risk

Before anyone make any absurd speculation, they should try to investigate at how much price did GSs brought these 3.7M shares

Well going by this chart, I guess they have been owning ABK shares since 2013?


Why sell a month before the FTC decision and when the stock is at a low point since acquisition?

Because the recession is coming and companies are selling stock? I mean ABK shares were 77 and now 72 and potentially can reach 70 sooner or later.

GS owned stock since 2013 when it was 4 times cheaper so they are in profit anyway :man_shrugging: Stock is speculative anyway.


Because the FTC is likely to have surface level concerns and that will drive the stock even lower

But FTC is in phase 2 right now no? I guess in phase 1 they had no concerns.