Microsoft-Activision-Blizzard Discussion Thread (Part 1)

Lets just wait and see what clauses the ABK/sony deal have before start speculating…


I’m not a lawyer, but something tells me the average contract between billion dollar companies can’t be negated by wordplay. Nor would Microsoft promise to honour existing contracts if they were planning such a move.
In fact, I googled it just to check. The contract was between Sony and Activision, and the deal remains between Sony and Activision. Microsoft is still a third party to that deal. I even found precedent in a case where a company tried to sneak out of a contractual clause referring to a third party after an acquisition using your exact logic, and they were ruled against with the judge stating clearly that third party referred to anyone not explicitly mentioned as being party to the contract and an acquisition did not change this.

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They absolutely can, but they won’t because it would be bad PR and sour relationships. Right now if Sony wanted to they could absolutely make all Bungie future games exclusive and stop supporting Destiny on Xbox, but it would be an absolute PR disaster, would cause certain Bungie employees to bounce etc.

Companies are capable of all shorts of underhanded moves but look at the big picture, Microsoft more than anyone else wants to maintain their squeaky clean image

I feel like the bigger point here was the whole “I looked it up and found information indicating such wordplay wouldn’t work”. Plus I’ve only seen a few pages of the contract, it would not surprise me if it had an acquisition clause to clear such an issue up.

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Sacred Symbols has to be the worst podcast…these Sony fanboys like Colin are so disingenuous and absolutely argue in bad faith. Colin tries his hardest to apply what MS said about COD as if MS straight up said “will release all new COD games on Playstation forever” and “that means all ABK will be multiplatform” despite Matt Booty saying the exact opposite

Dude also compares Microsoft having Tunic, a small Zelda like indie game being exclusive for 3 months, to Final Fantasy and Street Fighter

Also these guys are still trying to argue Bethesda games coming to Playstation :joy: then again these guys are the same guys who lied about Deathloop being a permanent exclusive.

Now I can see why Colin is absolutely terrified to debate Gaz one on one since he knows Gaz will call him out on all of his fanboyism


The hot takes are too funny :joy:

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Maybe MS says to Sony, sure we will honor the contract but if you don’t let us put MW2 on GamePass day 1, as soon as your marketing deal is over, you’ll never get a CoD on PS again.

As soon as the contract is done, MS will have complete control over CoD, they don’t need to pressure Sony after that.

Yes but maybe MS wants CoD on GamePass day 1 the next couple years and not need to wait for Sony marketing to end.

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That could happen, but it would involve MS paying a lot to buy back the contract and that’s if Sony is willing to accept it.

Realistically I expect new CoDs to not be in gamepass for at least a year while the contract is in place. Everything else goes as soon as the deal closes. But it’s all speculation, I’m sure MS will find some sort of loop hole to take advantage in the meantime.

I don’t know how you listen to these types of PS fanboys podcasts without your head caving in from all the bad faith arguments.


I only listened to a small portion of it because it was brought up in Xbox Two that these Sacred Symbol clowns are still pushing Bethesda games coming to Playstation

I asked Colin on Twitter why he’s scared shitless to debate Gaz and he blocked me, you know it hurts him


Looks like the first approval has come from Saudi Arabia.


Awwwwwrrrhhhhh YEAH!!!


So it begins



We will probably start to see other regulatory bodies give their verdict, so next month should be interesting.


lets go !


This is so easy. Playstation has like 90% market share in Saudi Arabia :phil_lmao:


Hot shit rock and roll