Microsoft-Activision-Blizzard Discussion Thread (Part 1)

fr i expect all Acti GAAS games MP to be multiplatform, even if it’s new IP.

SP exclusive for GP Devices.^tfw|twcamp^tweetembed|twterm^1491600386876137480|twgr^|twcon^s1_&ref_url=

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I mean I hope you’re right but I’m not crossing my fingers, I’m not expecting things to change anytime soon if ever, anyway it’s not all doom and gloom, this generation is already much better than last and will be Xbox’s best but just wish Microsoft had that “fire” they had during the 360 years, I thought that buying Bethesda was a sign of that.

I don’t think Microsoft would make more money by going multiplatform. 15 milions sold on xbox are better than 10 millions on xbox and 15 on PlayStation. The real Money are made with the platform’s store. Going exclusive = more people using your platform

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Getting 70% of sales from all the PS/Switch users in addition to all the Xbox/PC sales won’t make them more money?

More people on your platform is a long term investment. Going multiplatform is a short term monetizaton


I thought the whole point of Game Pass was to give Microsoft $200 per year so you could play games worth $500 (or $1,000 or whatever). If it is saving you money then why does it matter what is happening on PlayStation?


I see where your coming from, but it’s very unlikely all the ABK titles are going to be multiplatform.

CoD was always up in the air, for all we know the Xbox platform may have exclusives maps/modes or release earlier on Xbox.

Being included in a subscription service rather than $70 is also going to be a big pull.

I can’t imagine the shareholders would be happy with them killing their new biggest revenue maker (outside of Candy King) straight away regardless if this may have resulted in them growing their platform/subscription quicker.

We can see Xbox is in it for the long game, it’s best not to rock the boat right away (I’m sure there’s more surprises in the works!).

So will Microsoft need to pay a cross play tax if more gamers play COD on Xbox ?!?

I agree!

At this point it’s simply ridiculous value.

If some of their studios create multi-platform games I really couldn’t care less (if it’s still on GP!). For me it’s still a win if I don’t have to pay $70 each!

I only care what value GP is giving me and I will stay a subscriber whilst it’s doing so!


I really can’t see that being a thing going forward.

PS are focusing on multiplatform games as a service games, will other platforms really want to work with them if they risk going over the .85 threshold?

Also I’m sure this crossplay tax would come under the definition of “unreasonable” used in their new standards, this would surely provide Xbox an opportunity to renegotiate the terms or remove games completely.

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I would imagine that at the very least Microsoft insists that stupid fees like that get waived.

Many on this forum care more about MS winning a console war than the value that gamepass is giving them.


We should pin this post.


Making games Multi-Platform is taking games away from xbox. The reality is system exclusives drive traffic. The more traffic the more willing devs are to not money hat games and bring them to xbox. It is common to hear games not coming to xbox because there isn’t enough of a user base. Making games Multi-Platform instead of exclusive hurts more then anything

Xbox has plenty of exclusives. Starfield will definitely drive people to gamepass and xbox as will all the other projects we know about so far.

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I don’t think keeping something multi platform that was already multi platform takes anything away. It doesn’t necessarily improve the situation though. At the worst case you are no worse off than you were 3 weeks ago.

I think people downplay the impact of Game Pass on the success of the console (while somehow continuing to complain about lack of AAA third party on it) and this is 100% a move that will help Game Pass.


speaking of AAAs, most come DO come to xbox. what’s missing for this gen is ff16, ff7re, forspoken, ghostwire (we know this is coming to xbox in a year), and deathloop (ditto).

most AAA games come to xbox.

KOTOR Remake (although Sony is publishing that, granted in the same way MS published Tomb Raider/Dead Rising) and supposedly Bioshock as well.

But yeah, at least speaking in terms of the West, most of the AAAs and even the AAs/Indies make their way over, even if some are a bit later due to market share.

Japan is a different story. “Exclusively not on Xbox” is an unfortunately common occurrence from publishers barring the top AAA, and even they do it far more frequently than western publishers.

In the grand scheme of an entire console generation that’s not really the multitude that many here claim.

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