Microsoft-Activision-Blizzard Discussion Thread (Part 1)

If I needed a reason to stay away from YongYea videos, I sure got one.

He’s in a video seriously saying a recent article about the allegations against Kotick was the inspiration for MS to buy ActiBlizz. These people are just doing it on purpose, anyone with half a brain knows that a gigantic acquisition like this is not just decided upon and done in a matter of a few days.

We already know it was last year that these talks started and Yong absolutely was aware of that too. Talking about some bullshit and being misleading, wow.


YongYea is a PS fanboy, you should avoid him.


A Kojima fanboy too. I want to see his mind melt if Kojima’s next game really is for Xbox.


Yeah, that game is valuable mostly for fanboys losing it for me. XD

Kojima’s output after MGS3 (nearly 20 years ago) is a mixed bag, the guy is more in love with strange ideas than making great games again unfortunately.

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Yeah I never watch him, saw Griffin Gaming covering his video, lol.

I think MGSV was great, but yeah Death Stranding was not it

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Colin Moriarty or whatever the fuck his name is. Biggest Sony fanboy journo out there. You can see his tears on Twitter.


Dude…Noone is saying bring everything over. But bring SOMETHING. Xbox one had nothing. Compare xbox ones library of jrpgs to Xbox 360. Especially first 3 years. My complaint was more so of building teams in Japan to make jrpgs. Not just buying games.

Persona 5 came out on ps3. It could have come out on xbox if ms paid for it.

I had to stop follwing Yong a while back

Literally every video he was putting out was some sort of rage bait or controversy

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His content is embarrassing. Comes across as dishonest and fake.

About the monopoly thing, Microsoft has on their side the fact that is an american corporation buying another corporation and buying one of the big three on the stock market (technically its big four with Roblox) and still being the third in revenue, if they can’t, no one can. The counter argument is that they are on many fields such as OS, Servers, Softwares, and that they will compare against Disney for investing almost entirely on their root field, movies and TV.

Will FTC stop it? I don’t think so, because Microsoft doesn’t even go there and remove content from other platforms like Disney and Epic Games do.

Blame the old team for ruining it, it’s the current one who’s bringing the stuff back + stuff that never was on the 360, some of the devs may refuse or never bothered to ever support and Microsoft is not going to chase people who wants to be one sided deals, they want to sit on the table with good terms for both sides, not being hardballed.

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Oh Yong and Bethesda fake outrage is a duo I couldn’t stand.

Like I get it, rage/hate videos get a lot of clicks sadly but I have zero interest in that content, especially when its every damn video

Unrelated but iv found it funny how for the last few days pretty much every big publisher has been trending on my twitter timeline, right now its capcom

I’m shocked as casual gamer myself that it’s not the casual gamers that aren’t the most disappointed in MS buying activision blizzard. I own all 3 and I thought the majority of gaming enthusiasts would have them all as well. Obviously barring affordability I don’t mind what the game comes out on. You’d have thought it was the casuals who only play the likes of COD are the ones that will have to get the other console to play would be the ones getting annoyed and the hardcore would think it doesn’t fuss them. Obviously they’d have a preferred console like I do with Xbox but if a game is PS exclusive ok I’ll just play it on there.

I think it’s simply that most casuals don’t know. I hung out with a buddy last night and he didn’t know about the deal. He also didn’t know about the Bethesda deal until I told him months later.

Boy that thread about Sony’s acquisition strategy on Era is hilarious. Calling for Bioware purchase, To lock down Respawn’s new IP be it timed or permanent and to buy square or capcom.


Its already been said, the Bethesda deal hasnt even started to have its impact yet and wont until Starfield releases

The only realistic thing out of this is Square and I mean if they somehow separate the gaming division because I believe Square has other business like anime and music (would Sony even want that), and they already benefit from Square without owning them.

Yep. Also, it’s anecdotal evidence for sure, but when I told him about the Bethesda deal his reaction was “Wow, really?! I guess I’m getting an Xbox then”. He’s the casual gamer that usually only buys one system per gen.

What I find funny the most is how these deals happen and the very first thing that goes in the mind of almost everyone is, how is this gonna affect Sony, talk about having mindshare.