Microsoft-Activision-Blizzard Discussion Thread |OT4| - Dawn of the Final Day, Deal is done!

Didn’t they ghost MS a few times ?:rofl:

It seems so according to Idas and that’s to me is baffling. So apparently the FTC and the CMA can block deals just because the don’t like it and not because of the merits of a case…I cant be the only one who sees how wrong that is right? Not counting dumb fanboys, to me it is unbelievable how there were people defending these two dishonest agencies.


They can certainly try but if the last few CAT hearing is anything to go by, the judge wasn’t really buying most of the CMA reasons. And the FTC can do as it pleases but the downside is the the courts have the final say.


I dont think I’m exaggerating in saying this is how companies around the world and the public see the FTC right now:

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Team Blockit


I hate seeing people pretend those agencies are the good guys in that, as if they ever solved or regulated anything that actually matters to people’s lives, like maybe housing or energy or healthcare, or hey, the damn things that threaten our life in the planet!! instead, they’re championing regulating video games hooray :man_facepalming:


They do that as well. But the ftcs funding just got cut by 25% so hoooray to the corporate lobbyists.

A load of BS. Name one industry that actually hurts or benefits in people’s lives that has been actually regulated to the benefit of people?

You can google yourself. The demonisation of regulators on this forum reaches comical levels at times.

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So you don’t actually have an answer because it doesn’t exist. Hey what do I know? It’s not like there’s multiple consolidated industries that control essential to life commodities that screw people’s actual lives all the time, those industries are absolutely regulated and healthy and government cares for the good of the people :blush::tada:

Considering how badly the FTC and CMA have handled all this, whether it’s ghosting the companies, deliberately leaving things like the PI to the possible last minute, literally getting major math calculations wrong after looking at information for months and months and you know, the straight up collusion between the two

I can’t really blame people for shitting on them, it’s well deserved


They also made fools of themselves before the world. They have never gotten this much audience suddenly millions are watching them, and they bungled the whole thing.

I wonder what the atmosphere would have been like if Tencent or any other giants that isn’t Sony or Microsoft bought ABK. Would there be any war?

I’m not your assistant. You can find information on your own. Especially if you’re throwing hot takes around.

Regulators especially in the us, but not exclusively, are underfunded and strangled by lobbying and libertarian policies. Again, the ftc just got their already insufficient budget slashed.

This though does not mean they only have a hard on for fucking video games of all things.

While true to a point, the biggest problem is the law itself. The FTC has to work within the legal framework they are given, and the current FTC simply isn’t doing that and is instead ignoring the law and trying cases they know they cannot win. That’s not a great strategy for increasing your budget and instilling faith in your intended goal.

I think regulation is incredibly important, but the behavior of the current FTC is reprehensible in my opinion and it’s unfortunate that their antics have given fuel to the people who want less regulation.


Microsoft sure took advantage on the hype and bailed without a word.


I didn’t say that and didn’t think anyone did, they do have a hard on for big tech. An ideological crusade, because big tech is the only big they could target, and they don’t even target for good measure like how the EU is actually doing

Post Up en Twitter: “The CAT published the transcript from the Case Management Conference on July 17th. #Microsoft #Activision 81 pages” / Twitter

Thats a lot of hookers and blow they charged off as “metaverse”. :rofl:

That is a non-question, because who want to pay 70 Billion Dollars for a video game company beside Microsoft ?