Microsoft-Activision-Blizzard Discussion Thread |OT3| - Sony bends the knee!

One of the overlooked benefits of that Sony deal is that it really undercuts any FTC desire to continue to pursue this. It certainly increases their likelihood to drop it.

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Yeah, it probably won’t help with the CMA at all since they already removed their concerns surrounding Call of Duty - but it should certainly strengthen their case against the FTC.


IMO the other is that it allows Jim Ryan/PlayStation to still say under oath that they were concerned about the franchises future on PlayStation and that’s why they signed the contract.

If they were never willing to sign a contract guaranteeing COD they’d look even worse. Worth keeping in mind Sony clearly told at least the FTC and CMA that they were concerned that MS would damage them with some sort of COD exclusivity play. Whether total exclusivity or partial in the form of unique perks, early releases, technical superiority etc. Thats totally at odds with what Sony was communicating internally, not just to employees but at the Executive level.

So you could make a very credible argument (in my non-lawyer opinion) that they lied or at least mislead regulators when it came to their concerns. That could be a lose end they wanted wrapped up.


I think it’s just in general. Starting tomorrow with CMA, the week is going to be pretty wild.


For some reason I had it in my head that tomorrow was the 18th. Hm. Anyway, are we expecting much from the tribunal meeting? I had assumed that was just a formality of pausing the appeals process and that any negotiation with the CMA was happening outside of it. I guess unless they have something more definitive than a pause to tell them about?

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PS Slim according to The Snitch


If that’s true I hope it is flat. I’ll throw my current one out and replace it. I hate the design of it so much.

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I hope the slim is true because ill get one for myself and give my daughter my ps5 that she just pretty much uses for fortnight anyway

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Good stuff. I wonder what the price will be and how much smaller it will be.

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Damn. I haven’t touched in a year and they’re making a slim. I really need to start buying and use it asap.

Don’t be afraid for Xbox Live server crashes. Blame this when it happens.



oh god. can the countries in the anglosphere grow a freaking back bone for once and not wait on the US. This is so not cash money.


There is a reason why the merger agreement does not require countries like Australia to approve it.



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Translation: We know that Microsoft could yeet us out of existence, so we are gonna allow others to make the decision for us.

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I don’t think this is accurate. The meeting is about the parties’ recent application to pause the proceedings, not to give permission to the merger.

We could see an agreement with the CMA that could speed up the merger, but I don’t think that’s the job of the CMC and CAT here.

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