Microsoft-Activision-Blizzard Discussion Thread |OT3| - Sony bends the knee!

Massively so. They are sounding ridiculous with each defence of their decision.


Whats the point of the CMA if you don’t want to regulate? I hope they(CAT or the UK government etc) seriously look at this, someone is not doing their job.


No joke a police investigation into Sarah Coward and the current CMA operation needs to happen. They have no arguments and they know it yet the keep saying now. Same for the US.

The main hope is they loose to CAT and suffer due to it or the government kicks them out.


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Can we not with the names?


Can we also leave the calls for people’s arrest at the door, along with the call for anyone’s firing? Thanks :slight_smile:


I feel like MS are playing a blinder just now, the whole company seems all in, its not been dumped on anyone and they’ll succeed or fail together by the looks of it.

They are just tagging folk in as and when required. Phil has been quiet recently but he possibly had some discussions to have/work to do around the different receptions this year’s releases have had and this Sunday’s showcase. It’s important he could give most of his attention to that.


Just counting the day before coming back home.


I wonder if they are really considering closing the deal regardless of the CMA or if Activision is considering leaving the UK. It is clear that Microsoft no longer wants (and should) wait any longer.

Imagine losing a year and a half and $3 billion just because a regulator doesn’t want to do they job.


Wow. This is the most disingenuous drivel I have read in a while. “Microsoft’s plan for continuing regulation” would not exist if not for you and other regulators trying to block a deal that should have passed with no conditions.

The fact that she thinks standing against the will of the two companies involved, their employees, their shareholders, and most of their competitors means she is fighting for a “free competitive market” is delusional.

I hesitate to call her a liar because she may actually believe this nonsense, but boy am I tempted. I am just gobsmacked by her nerve.


The time thing is the big one, sitting on their hands all this time must be annoying. The money they aren’t losing unless the deal doesn’t get done.


You know what they say:

“The most dangerous liars are the ones who think they are telling the truth.”


I guess we will find out where all this is headed by June 12th if not sooner. I would think Microsoft wants to close before the deadline even though it’s temporarily waived and avoid any mishaps. This UK pandering might just be to make sure they set the stage to look good when they close to avoid any chance of the FTC getting a PI.

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At this time, we should be yelling to the CMA. “THROW THE DAMN TOWEL” This is something the oversight committee here in the US will be looking into. Seems Lina and Sara are in for it now. Sad thing is I think it’s Lina Khan that has strong armed this whole mess and put the CMA in a really bad place.


There’s something really off about this whole thing. How can they possibly defend talking that much to the FTC and say that can’t talk to EU because of Brexit? Like what? That makes zero sense.

Also I’d like to see these 74 emails and the transcripts of the meetings thank you very much. My right as a UK citizen under Freedom of Information.




She’s very brave keeping her email at the bottom of that lol


I hope she has a strong email filter.


Her email was already public. Also where did this narrative start that they weren’t allowed to discuss mergers with other regulators?

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My point is even more true with that.