Microsoft-Activision-Blizzard Discussion Thread |OT2| The NeverEnding Acquisition

Why do they keep saying this…? I feel like Eurogamer posts this article 5 times a month at the least, Playstation isn’t losing COD and assuming they know that I have to just assume they are scared of a COD associated with Xbox due to all future CODs appearing on Xbox shows, releasing on Game Pass and being bundled with Xbox consoles, I have to imagine that is what they fear, assuming that that is the case then they must be feeling quite confident that ABK will go back to making deals with them should this acquisition fall through, or maybe they’d be fine with ABK and Microsoft just having the COD marketing deal and not everything else, who knows.

It’s really weird how they phrase it though, COD exclusivity wouldn’t take away PlayStation’s position in the market mainly thanks to their dominance in Europe but I do believe that if COD were to become Xbox exclusive that it would help Xbox outsell PlayStation in the UK and US markets at least but not enough to make it 50/50 like was in the 7th generation, however outselling PlayStation in just two markets isn’t enough for Microsoft to ever want to do it I think, and it’s irrelevant because by the time they would be able to do it COD will be on so many different platforms that it probably won’t make sense to stop releasing it on those.

weird, Blooperoid or whatever managed to get 10 years of call of duty, super easy, barely an inconvenience.


Reasons like this is why that Microsoft ad in the papers make sense.


OtherEra starting a witchhunt against Mike Rose and accusing him of hating Sony and being a shill.

All because Market Participant E sounds like stuff he’s previously said, lmao.

I’m pretty sure there are dozens upon dozens of developers that share his sentiment, but no, he publicly defaced Sony. He must pay the price! /pitchforks

But seriously, the topic about him from a while back made me embrassed to me a gamer. People leaving him death threats on Twitter without having the brain cells to realize they use the same profile pic and username as on the forum, as if nobody can put 2 and 2 together.


Mike Rose isn’t the first one to complain about visibility either.

Sony Reportedly Charges $25,000 For PlayStation Store Visibility - GameSpot


Sony’s paragraph 18 about Minecraft being a single game release is laughable in the face of Minecraft Dungeons and Minecraft Legends. What’s that? They’re still releasing related games on all platforms including PS?


And Minecraft Dungeons is on PS+, too. Doesn’t count, though. /s


Do they think Mike Rose and his games are just an outlier?

PS visibility has been a problem for many indie devs


I saw that, and this is one of the reason why the deal should go through. Sony has brainwashed the entire gaming market so much that its fans or even casual people think its the only brand that matters and that having a compelling competitor as a option is a grave sin and must be protected from other corporations like its their life mission. Its disgusting and this is whats wrong with brand loyalty culture, we don’t hold these corporations accountable.


And those same indie devs have lauded Xbox for its more balanced policies. The people trying to crucify Rose should probably get a reality check - Sony actually having competition to their absolute shit pay-to-play deals, in addition to the general toxic hold they have over the industry (and some regulators apparently), is more beneficial to gamers and creators.


COD exclusivity wouldnt make Xbox outsell Playstation. During the 360 era, where Microsoft had the marketing for COD, runned better, launched earlier,etc PS3 outsold X360 in UK anyway

COD doesnt have the effect you guys think it has. It sells because its available, but people have moved on from COD several years until a comeback to the formula was available. As soon as it moves to being exclusive(it wont happen), people will just move on unless they already are interested in Xbox or PC

The sad thing is…the report was anonymous, so why everyones ganging up on Mike Rose IDK

Nope. In the UK it was almost 2:1 360s favor.

Xbox 360 is still 1.5 million sales away from beating the UK’s all-time home console record, however, held by PlayStation 2.

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No publisher large or small was going to agree with Sony on Activision Blizzard, they would prefer all of ABK games be exclusive to XBOX which would create a vacuum for them to compete. Every publisher knows their main competitor is time itself for the customer’s attention. The less competition you’ve to take up the customer’s attention, the better it’s to gain traction with your product. For instance, COD not being on PlayStation gives Ubisoft the opportunity to grow its games. Microsoft making COD available on more platforms actually kill the competition because according to Sony, COD is the dominant FPS game. The regulators should recognize it would be better for COD to be exclusive on Xbox. COD being exclusive on Xbox would allow other Publisher to grow their FPS games.

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I think they just took advantage of the dominant years of the PS4 very effectively and it will be really hard to take that away to have a more even market, not only is their brand the strongest it’s been since the PS2 days but they have far stronger 3rd party partnerships and clearly talking to regulators as well because the status quo benefits them further than it does anyone else, this whole circus with ABK is nothing more than a power move of a dominant market leader to see how much further they can influence the industry, I just hope it doesn’t go their way.


Its ridiculous because this is what regulators should prevent in the first place, which is having a dominant market leader dictating terms of how the market should operate, and having the power to pressure publishers, developers, and even antitrust bodies to do their bidding. This is some Apple/Amazon like behavior they are displaying and they are not even on the level of big tech.

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It is precisely because Sony doesn’t really fit the definition of big tech to regulators that they can get away with it or even make regulators believe that they are vulnerable, Sony has probably seen how easy it is to do this with these regulators they are dealing with because they are politically motivated against big corps like Microsoft, the truth is thus deal should’ve passed with the concessions on COD as the biggest requirement, due to Microsoft’s position in the market they shouldn’t be required to have to support every other system out there, it’s ridiculous.

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I don’t think it will happen, but I really hope the regulators after ABK is purchased they take a long hard look at what Sony has done in the industry.

I think if they do, they’ll find out what Sony was/is doing isn’t in the best interests of gamers or the video game industry as a whole.


After this clown show from Sony, I dont think MS will keep treating them with the kumbaya mantra of lately. These companies like Google /MS /Apple are pretty lame with each other and I think Sony will start to get some heat from MS with suits here and there.


If regulators prevent big tech or other big companies from investing and growing because “they are big omg, we must weaken them”, companies might as well give up competing because there is no incentive to capture more marketshare anymore, because apparently taking away like 3% of marketshare from other competitors will foreclose them lol, what kind of horsesh*t logic is that? :joy:

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