March 26: ID@Xbox Event Announced

Ah, fuck. Still excited for the other games though.

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How do they keep making mistakes like this?

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Think thatā€™s more on Twitch to be honest.

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Presumably it got greenlit by someone first. Surely.

Maybe Hades coming , but they revealed it too soon.

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/so youā€™re telling me thereā€™s a chanceā€¦

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we out here :clown_face: :clown_face:

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I trust @Shpeshal_Nick it will come.


He didnā€™t deny the other games on the picture. :eyes:

watch Hades go from this to being a six months timed exclusive to PS4 and PS5 lmaooo

Well, that was a nice hour.

Donā€™t jinx it.


Hey, at least they were upfront with it. Imagine if they didnā€™t say anything and we all went in expecting Hades. There would be sooo much disappointment afterwards.


That would have been horrible.

I wouldnā€™t be surprised. Supergiant hardly release anything on Xboxā€¦ Only Bastion

Iā€™ve always wondered why this is other than just a deal made with Sony ? Like why hasnā€™t transistor come over itā€™s so old now. I hope they can make a deal with them even if it isnā€™t game pass related.

They need to stop doing this stuff though, first was Stalker 2 now this. They need to check their stuff thoroughly.

As long as it is not done the same day, it is fine by me. But yeah, they have to make sure everything is on point. Though, to me, that gives even more credit to Hades coming eventually.

I know that at the end of the day nothing really changes, but itā€™s annoying.

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