Lockout Remake

UneeQ Forges, Known For His Highly Accurate Remakes, suggests your Bookmark this ASAP Lockout is the Perfect Way to Start your Remake Library!


Looks splendidly gorgeous AND true to the original iterations. Fantastic work!

Genuinely great work here, UneeQ. Bookmarked and ready to play!

This is an amazing remake! I love how you kept in BR 1 to BR 2 while still making it difficult in a creative way. I can’t WAIT to play a match on this!

I downloaded and had a play around with it, feels like being home again. Nice work

I just played a team slayer game against some Spartan bots and had a fucking great time. What a great map this was, is, and will always be. Thanks for making this, UneeQ!

You know I had to get that Combat Evolved on em :wink:

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