Let's play a game. Let's rank. Hype-O-Meter Xbox/Bethesda Edition

@SuikerBrood I didnt look, honest :stuck_out_tongue: I just want to see how “special” I am :slight_smile:

  1. Starfield
  2. Everwild
  3. Forza Horizon 5
  4. Redfall
  5. The Outer Worlds 2
  6. Fable
  7. Psychonauts 2
  8. Contraband
  9. Halo Infinite
  10. Perfect Dark
  11. Deathloop
  12. The Elder Scrolls VI
  13. Hellblade II: Senua’s Saga
  14. Indiana Jones
  15. Forza Motorsport
  16. GhostWire Tokyo
  17. As Dusk Falls
  18. Grounded
  19. Age of Empires IV
  20. Avowed
  21. State of Decay 3
  22. Project Mara
  1. The Elder Scrolls VI
  2. Age of empires IV
  3. Starfield
  4. State of decay 3
  5. Halo Infinite
  6. Avowed
  7. Forza motorsport
  8. Fable

The rest I don’t care about at all. May change when they are released.

Oh sorry, @SuikerBrood I’ve kick started the thread again :slight_smile:

No problem! This one can last untill August when Psychonauts releases! :slight_smile:

You scored a 4.1. Between @javycane and @PoderickPayne

oo down at the bottom end with all the cool kids, setting trends, not following them :smiley:


Not as cool as me, but few are tbh. :wink: (faked self confidence is also a kind of confidence!)


  1. Starfield
  2. Forza Motorsport
  3. Perfect Dark
  4. Fable
  5. Avowed
  6. Forza Horizon 5
  7. Halo Infinite
  8. Avowed
  9. Hellblade II: Senua’s Saga
  10. Age of Empires IV
  11. Psychonauts 2
  12. Indiana Jones
  13. Contraband
  14. The Elder Scrolls VI
  15. Redfall
  16. Everwild
  17. Grounded
  18. GhostWire Tokyo
  19. Deathloop
  20. Project Mara
  21. As Dusk Falls

Guess I have a little waiting ahead of me.

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1. Hellblade 2: Senua's Saga
2. Halo: Infinite
3. Fable
4. Project Mara
5. The Outer Worlds 2
6. Red Fall
7. Avowed
8. Forza Horizon 5
9. Perfect Dark
10. The Elder Scrolls VI
11. Ghostwire Tokyo
12. Psychonauts 2
13. Deathloop
14. Starfield
15. Everwild
16. As Dusk Falls
17. Indiana Jones
18. Age of Empires 4
19. State of Decay 3
20. Contraband
21. Forza Motorsport
22. Grounded

The Gunk would be 18. Crossfire X would be 21. Microsoft Flight Sim (for console) would be 17.

Sorry for the weird format. Copy/Pasted out of OneNote.

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  1. Fable
  2. Starfield
  3. Avowed
  4. Perfect Dark
  5. Halo Infinite
  6. TES VI
  7. Redfall
  8. Forza Horizon 5
  9. Hellblade 2
  10. Indiana Jones
  11. Contraband
  12. Age IV
  13. Psychonauts 2
  14. Grounded
  15. The Outer Worlds 2
  16. Forza Motorsport
  17. GhostWire Tokyo
  18. Deathloop
  19. Project Mara
  20. State of Decay 3
  21. Everwild
  22. As Dusk Falls

I honestly think Fable will be the greatest xbox game of this gen. Just has so much potential with the new tech.

  1. Forza Horizon 5
  2. Indiana Jones
  3. Age of Empires IV
  4. Deathloop
  5. Starfield
  6. Fable
  7. Forza Motorsport
  8. The Elder Scrolls VI
  9. Hellblade II: Senua's Saga
  10. Avowed
  11. Halo Infinite
  12. Perfect Dark
  13. Psychonauts 2
  14. Contraband
  15. The Outer Worlds 2
  16. Everwild
  17. As Dusk Falls
  18. Ghostwire Tokyo
  19. Project Mara
  20. State of Decay 3
  21. Redfall
  22. Grounded

Don’t care for the last 7 at all.

You aren’t a big fan of co-op it seems? :stuck_out_tongue:

  1. Forza Horizon 5
  2. Halo Infinite
  3. Deathloop
  4. Hellblade II: Senua’s Saga
  5. Fable
  6. The Elder Scrolls VI
  7. Starfield
  8. Psychonauts 2
  9. Avowed
  10. Perfect Dark
  11. The Outer Worlds 2
  12. Redfall
  13. Everwild
  14. Indiana Jones
  15. Forza Motorsport
  16. Contraband
  17. Grounded
  18. Project Mara
  19. GhostWire Tokyo
  20. Age of Empires IV
  21. As Dusk Falls
  22. State of Decay 3

I’m into the top 17, after that my interest drops off sharply.

You need to give state of Decay a chance

I am going to post a ranking that has way too much thought behind it soon


It combines two things I dislike, permadeath and zombies. But you’re right, I shouldn’t dismiss it outright. Sometimes you like things you don’t expect to. I’ll see what they cook up with SoD3.

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I dislike both of those things too, but I’m gong to give 3 a chance.

  1. Halo Infinite
  2. Fable
  3. Everwild
  4. Avowed
  5. Starfield
  6. Hellblade II
  7. Psychonauts 2
  8. The Outer Worlds 2
  9. Project Mara
  10. The Elder Scrolls VI
  11. Perfect Dark
  12. State of Decay 3
  13. Forza Horizon 5
  14. Age of Empires IV
  15. As Dusk Falls
  16. Contraband
  17. Deathloop
  18. Forza Motorsport
  19. GhostWire Tokyo
  20. Grounded
  21. Indiana Jones
  22. Redfall
  1. Halo Infinite

Halo is by far my favorite gaming franchise and it has been difficult personally to be a Halo fan over the last 10 years. In that time, 2 mainline Halo games that I thought were mediocre released, and a collection of great Halo games released broken and unfixed for 3 years. Since 2018, Halo has started to feel more and more alive, with MCC turning into a truly great game after years of updates, and Halo Infinite trailers teasing a return to glory. This all culminated at E3 2021, where I truly for the first time felt as though Halo was “back”. The campaign footage they showed was amazing and made me feel confident that the campaign would be great. The multiplayer erased most of my fears following Halo 5, and the multiplayer truly feels like a proper sequel to Halo 3. This game has been in development for so long that I’m just ready to play the game and judge it for myself, but I an undoubtedly hyped for this game and think it will be a great Halo for the first time in a while.

  1. Starfield

This game feels incredibly ambitious and feels like it could Bethesda’s next truly great RPG. Their last mainline single player RPG was Fallout 4, and was a good but ultimately safe game. Starfield will be made on the Creation Engine 2 and is a next gen only game. This means Bethesda will be able to push beyond what has been previously capable and (hopefully) create a game that feels similar to what Oblivion was for the Xbox 360.

  1. Fable

I believe Fable is simultaneously one of the great RPG series of all time while also being severely underappreciated. The first two games especially are incredible games and were the highlights of the first decade of Xbox. A reboot of Fable without Lionhead can be tricky, but there isn’t a better team to tackle that challenge than Playground. They have the technology and expertise to make a great game, and might be able to nail the unique British humor considering their roots.

  1. Hellblade II

Ninja Theory is incredible and makes the best “cinematic” games anywhere. The first Hellblade is a great experience but a bit shallow due to budget and scope. Under Microsoft I am anticipating this game to be much more expanded and one of the best games of the generation.

  1. Indiana Jones

Licensed IP are tricky to pull off but exciting when they work. I have very little doubts that Machine Games will be able to pull off a great game. Xbox should finally have their own “Uncharted” competitor and there’s a good chance Machine Games is able to do a better job than the original.

  1. Avowed

This game is easily simplified into Obsidian’s version of Skyrim, but I think it can be much more than that. If you look at Obsidian’s last 10 years compared to Bethesda’s, it isn’t hard to say Obsidian has made better games.

Some of the things I’ve heard about the game make it seem like it will be very unique and Obsidian’s most ambitious game to date. I’m really excited to see more soon.

  1. State of Decay 3

Undead Labs is one of Xbox’s best internal teams and I think this game will prove any nonbelievers wrong. State of Decay 2 is a great game if you’re willing to be patient with it, and State of Decay 3 should be exponentially more impressive. There’s long been rumors that UL wants to make an open world MMO zombie game. They finally have the budget to do that, and I’m excited to see what they can do

  1. Perfect Dark

It is hard to know what to expect from this game. The Initiative are a brand new studio but have a lot of talent. This game seems like it will be a mix of Mirrors Edge with stealth action gameplay. This could be a huge success if this studio is able to hit on their first game

  1. Redfall

Open world immersive sim + Vampires + Arkane = a game I am extremely excited about. And it’s our soon! It would be higher if there was any gameplay to look over.

  1. The Outer Worlds 2

I really like the first game but thought it was too shallow and ended with a thud. I’m hoping Obsidian is able to expand the concepts presented in the first game while still keeping the game under 50 hours.

  1. Forza Horizon 5

I like these games and this looks like it will be the best one yet

  1. Deathloop

I love Arkane and am excited for this game. My hype is a bit dampened by it being a year PS5 exclusive. If it were coming to Gamepass day one I could see this game in my top 10.

  1. Contraband

The concept of this game is intriguing but there’s nothing to go off of to get me super excited.

  1. Everwild

I want to be excited but after reporting that the game is getting rebooted has me slightly worried the game won’t be here anytime soon/might have a rough development.

  1. Gears 6

Gears of War 3 is one of my 10 favorite games of all time. Gears 4 and 5 were mediocre games in my personal opinion. The microtransactions in Gears 5 ruined the multiplayer for me. It seems like they are taking more time with this game as they move to UE5, but until I see that this game isn’t just more of the same its hard to be excited.

  1. Forza Motorsport

This series has never really grabbed my attention, I hope with the game taking an extended development that this one will finally grab me

  1. Psychonauts 2

I am excited about this game but I don’t really have any affinity for the first one. I hope I look dumb in August and this game turns out to be great.

  1. Ghostwire: Tokyo

I think Tango is great but have no idea what this game is and it’s currently locked on PS5 for a while. It’s hard to be super excited.

Games I can’t reasonably list but am nonetheless excited by

The Elder Scrolls 6

If we knew anything about this game other than the logo, I could reasonably see this game being in my top 2 or 3 most anticipated games. Because it’s a game that won’t be here until 2025 at the earliest, I can’t reasonably put this game on my “hype” list. But, there is no doubt that I am incredibly excited for this game.

The last Elder Scrolls game, Skyrim, is one of those games that is so good and so repayable that it becomes underappreciated what an achievement it is. It will be more than a decade between Skyrim and The Elder Scrolls IV, and the levels of expectations for this game will be sky high. When we do start to see and hear more about this game, it will be an incredibly exciting time for Xbox, and the release of the game will likely be the biggest gaming release in the history of Xbox and, frankly, any other console. No pressure Bethesda.

Wolfenstein 3- I really enjoyed the first 2 Wolfenstein games and can’t wait to hear more about this game. The problem is, no one seems to know what is happening with this game. If you ask some people, it could release as early as next year. If you ask others, the game isn’t in development. We know that Machine Games is beginning work on Indiana Jones, but that doesn’t explain what they’ve been doing since the release of Wolfenstein II in 2017. We know they released a smaller Wolfenstein Project in 2019 with Arkanes help, and our own resident insider has said that they’re helping out ID Software on a Quake reboot. Maybe they’ve just spent the last 4 years as a support studio while they figured out what their next game was (Indiana Jones). Or, maybe they’ve been working on Wolfenstein III In secret and will drop it very soon. Its anyone’s guess at this point.

Kojima + Xbox

So it sounds like Kojima is making an Xbox game. Jeff Grubb has been reporting over the last several months that Kojima and Xbox are currently negotiating terms on his next cloud based game. A recent report suggest a letter of intent has been signed, meaning the deal is one step closer to being finalized.

Kojima has a ton of fans a lot of haters, and I’m somewhere in the middle. The only Metal Gear Solid game I played was 5 and I liked the open world setting and combat but skipped all of the cutscenes. I like Death Stranding a lot when it just let’s me play the game, but the cutscenes and boss fights turn the game into a slog. I’m not sure if Kojima’s next game with Xbox will be great, but I know it will have insane ideas and will be very creative, and that is something I can appreciate.

InXile steampunk RPG

InXile is rumored to be working on a first person shooter RPG. Awesome. They also hired the lead combat designer of 2018’s God of War. Also awesome. The game is rumored to be releasing in the next few years, I’m excited to see the game when it’s ready.

Project Mara

Ninja Theory makes the best experimental experiences of any studio, and this game seems like it will be no different. The game will assuredly look stunning and looks to be extremely frightening. I’m excited.


This game has only been rumored by our very own Nick, and it is apparently a reboot of Quake by ID with support from Wolfenstein. I have 0 idea what this game will be, but both of these studios make awesome shooters so I’m expecting an awesome shooter.

Compulsion Games game

I liked the idea of We Happy Few but didn’t like We Happy Few. Their new game is rumored to be an odd third person game. This team has a lot of good ideas, and with Microsoft’s backing I’m hoping they can execute on them.

Whatever Roundhouse does

Roundhouse Studios is a rebirth of Human Head Studios, the team that was developing the ill fated open world looking Prey game. If you look closely at their catalogue, it is a lot of misses and strange projects. I have no idea if this studio will turn out to be good or not, but their history is so intriguing that I can’t help but be interested in whatever they make next.

The Coalition’s UE5 game

The Coalition is making Gears 6, but they’re also going to be making a smaller UE5 game. I don’t know what this game will be, but The Coalition is so technically proficient that I can’t wait to see what they’re making. Hopefully this game let’s let’s express themselves beyond roadie runs and wall bounces.

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  1. Halo Infinite
  2. Forza Horizon 5
  3. Perfect Dark
  4. Hellblade II
  5. Everwild
  6. Indiana Jones
  7. Fable
  8. Deathloop
  9. Grounded
  10. Psychonauts 2
  11. Avowed
  12. Contraband
  13. Age of Empires IV
  14. Forza Motorsport
  15. Redfall
  16. Starfield
  17. Project Mara
  18. As Dusk Falls
  19. State of Decay 3
  20. The Outer Worlds 2
  21. The Elder Scrolls VI
  22. GhostWire Tokyo
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