KOTOR Remake has been delayed indefinitely

Oh sorry yeah wrote this in the haze of waking up lol

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While a KotOR Remake has always been a dream game, this one was always a weird announcement.

Ignoring the fact that it ended up being a Sony-partnered game rather than a Microsoft one, there’s a reason why nobody predicted the developer.

Aspyr was always an odd choice for this. A studio that has only ever done ports is now behind a AAA remake of one of the most beloved Star Wars games of all time? I wouldn’t be surprised if they bit off more than they could chew here. KotOR is already a huge game, and translating that into a modern AAA RPG while completely overhauling the core combat sounds like a gigantic task.

With the game being on indefinite pause and Aspyr looking for other contracts, I genuinely wouldn’t be surprised if Sony dropped funding for this. They were likely looking for a quick (temporary) Band-Aid for their WRPG situation, and now this isn’t going to be that. I’m doubtful this ever releases.


Sucks for the people who were looking forward to it, and the folks who lost their jobs.

If this game were to get cancelled, how would the exclusivity shake out? Do they just… send Sony a check? I’m sure there are a million clauses in these contracts to ensure the bigger party isn’t left holding the bag, just curious about how it might develop.


Probably refund invenstors


That’s pretty much the only game type they make these days anyways.

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Ah, no worries. I sometimes wake up to find I’ve saved draft versions of emails in my sleep. Hopefully I never send them…

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I mean I’m not wrong.

Hahaha I work evenings at work and anytime after midnight I have it set to not let me send anything out as I want to review them in a better state (I wake up really early so I coast half my shift being tired)

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I still think Xbox shares some blame in this train wreck.

Sony was just being Sony when they grabbed this exclusivity on the cheap because they knew it would hurt the Xbox brand and cause excitement for PlayStation. Sony made small commitments and gained positive attention from the announcement, much like Shenmue 3 (“E3 of Dreams”).

Xbox lacked the vision to create this game on its own. Not through Aspyr, but even before that. Xbox should’ve locked Kotor rights down from Disney. It’s not like it was an unthinkable prospect. I proposed they should do it before PlayStation ever did.

And if Obsidian didn’t want to Remake the game? What if instead they decided they wanted to make a new Star Wars game? Does Xbox just hold on to the rights for a game that likely no one in XGS wants to remake? Making sure that it can never be remade just because Sony might use?


To me Kotor is an Xbox game. Xbox should’ve absolutely purchased the rights the moment Disney offered them up for exclusivity. Xbox could’ve made this game a AAA title with a publisher that won’t screw it up. It doesn’t need to be Obsidian, but it does need to be AAA.

Let’s say everyone at Xbox is busy with something else and has no interest in making this game. Who does Xbox get to Remake it, that is reliable enough that you know it will be done, as a AAA game in a reasonable time frame?

These situations are insanely complicated, you can’t just assume things and then assign blame to fit your narrative.


Thinking about it myself, I would say the best possible people Xbox could have gotten for a Kotor Remake, as a AAA game that could have been available to do so and gotten it out at a reasonable time would have been Crystal Dynamics and Eidos Montreal.

Square clearly didn’t care for their output and they even allowed CD to be hired for the Perfect Dark reboot. But how would that have hone I wonder? Considering how big of a franchise Star Wars is, would Square had even agreed to letting 2 of their dev studios work on it at the time? Specially when they wanted them to make their GaaS titles to help prop up their company along with Ff14. Not to mention the marvel hype of making games like guardians.

Eh, it’s whatever though. As much as people got hyped for this Remake I never really felt anything for it as it’s not a game I played before.

Edit: Giving it a little more thought it likely wouldn’t have happened because Gallagher was probably the person who reached out the CD for PDReboot, arranged the whole thing and went to Phil or Matt with the idea before any deals were struck.

I listened to a podcast today that told me I definitely could jump to conclusions


are they selling mats for you to jump to conclusions on?


this is absolutely hilarious.


Deleted *my gif game is weak

Okay good it wasn’t just me… I read it like 3 times and each time found it funnier


This isn’t really how it works though. Just because an ip or old game was popular, doesn’t mean it’s suddenly worth investing 10s of millions of dollars on a sequel / remake.

And yes, I say that as someone who would have loved a remake of kotor, though ideally by a more experienced team.

Heck there are even other titles that I’ve been hoping for years for Sony to bring back, like lod, but I’m not going to hold it against these companies for trying new things / safer picks.