Kate Rayner of The Coalition (Studio Tech Director) Comes out as transgender


I only just noticed this on ERA and saw via search that @Eduardo posted it in the Studios OT the other day, but its such delightful and affirming news I feel it deserves it’s own thread. It fills me with joy and delight to see someone comfortable with herself and to be comfortable coming out to her peers and those peers supporting her.

Hopefully she can inspire others with her bravery, good for Kate, and good for The Coalition and MS.


I saw that. Phil is classy, as always. But seeing her smile, her eyes, she looks so happy. It’s great to see that confidence ! It’s inspiring.


She does, just so effortlessly confident. Its such a wonderful thing to see happen.


Very happy for her and it was great to see Phil openly show support like that.


Congrats to her. Really happy she can live her truth and be comfortable with herself. And it’s great she is getting support from her peers.


Awesome! She seems very confident and happy.


I saw this on Twitter when I couldn’t sleep the other night, and it’s such a wonderful thing to see so many come out in support of Kate. She’s a genuine badass and such a leader in her field.

As I mentioned on Twitter, her style and that jacket is killer!


Congrats for her, must have been difficult coming out, glad the higher ups are supportive.

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I both love and am insanely jealous of that jacket.

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Lol same. I used to ride, no longer, but I’ve never been able to shed my love of leather jackets.

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I have never ridden a Motorbike, and was always a little scared to try, but I do covet a nice jacket when I see one :smiley:

Something that still resonates every time I read it, are the words:

“In Spite of the challenges you might expect from navigating this, I am happier, internally more at peace, fully present and optimistic in a way I have never been before”

Were that we all so succinct and perfect in our writing. I’m overjoyed she feels so happy, and its sentiment I have heard time and time again. Just a lovely day for news and good feelings today! :green_heart:

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I just got a pretty mean one for my 40th

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Pics! :wink:

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Good for her.

Happy for her. Takes a lot of courage. I know people I work with who are afraid to be public with who they are because they’re afraid it’ll damage their careers. This is despite working for a company that’s openly supportive to LGBTA. Kate can open doors for others. Also happy she’s getting public backing by executives. This is one area I think a lot of companies miss. They say the right things in press releases but when there’s an opportunity to truly support people, they’re suddenly not around or silent. Support needs to be very clear to everyone who they’re in view of.


It’s still a shame that we need to write “what a courage!” or even do a coming out just to be yourself. Should be normal being yourself!

Anyway, gg, she looks very happy and this what’s matter!

Yeah, agreed. We’re a long way from this being a simple thing we can mention, but great pride can come from finally being true to yourself and to be surrounded with well wishes and positivity can be so buoying.

You’re right though, it would be lovely to be at a place where how a person feels isn’t something they should feel shame about ever, and need to be “brave” to tell others, people should be free to be themselves whenever they like and live as much of their life as they can, happy and with love.


Good for Kate! All the best to her for the future, which she can hopefully live in happiness, free & positive.

As a side note, can’t wait to see what she & her fellow wizards at The Coalition are cooking up next. Bunch of badasses that they are :metal:


Congrats Kate!

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says a lot about the good environment Xbox has fostered that Kate can be herself freely!

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