This year is the 10 year anniversary of ID@Xbox, and Xbox has released a nice little 11-minute documentary on the program’s history, starting with a brief overview of Xbox Live Arcade.
Definitely recommend checking this out:
Additionally, here’s an interview with Chris Charla, the director of ID@Xbox. It, too, is well worth checking out.
edit: I’m adding this edit almost two months since I made this post, so not sure how many people will actually see it… but I recently listened to the Chris Charla episode of Game Maker’s Notebook and wanted to include links to it in this post.
I was honestly expecting some ID questions on the Fanfest Trivia the other day & was a tad disappointed. I went & tried to find stuff ahead of time so I’d know it & it wasn’t at ALL helpful.
Also Chris & the ID program are amazing. While I love that they’re now big enough to have their own shows a couple times a year, I actually do wish they would show a few as part of Not-E3, etc. the way they used to with the reels.
BBC recently posted a piece in the aftermath of the ABK acquisition being finalised that’s basically a high-level recap of the console war between Xbox and Sony.
There’s nothing new in the article, but I thought it was pretty factual and unbiased, and in light of all the very lopsided reporting that’s been going on about the ABK acquisition and Starfield, it was a breath of fresh air.