Hideki Kamiya is leaving Platinum Games




That kind of sucks for Platinum, I guess he’s joining one of Tencents new studios.

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Nick’s best friend is leaving PG ? Wow

Would funny if it’s Tencent because Tencent invested into PG few years ago.

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Man, I guess Project GG is a bust.

Probably is getting some fat stacks from Netease or Tencent to join one of their studios.

Best of luck wherever he goes.

Guessing this kills any chance of Scalebound being revived since that was his dream game.

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Xbox poached him to fill this role :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

But really, it sounds like he’s going to a Chinese studio like has happened numerous timed now. I think this will be bad for Platinum.

Well shit…

He always said Scalebound was his dream game, and it didn’t look like it would ever happen at Platinum unless Xbox acquired them perhaps the Chinese offered him the opportunity to make it happen.

If Microsoft offered Platinum a boatload of money, a new Scalebound would happen.

And I don’t think a chinese company would change that the game is dead because Microsoft owns the IP.

He was obviously poached… hes even commented now. Kamiya will keep making games. - The Verge

Seems he won’t be able to make Scalebound now.

Would be nice if he left to start a new Japanese Studio under Xbox. One can dream…

I doubt it. New studios take forever to get going. If he was poached by Xbox, he could go to Tango. Chances are it’s going to be a Chinese company like Tencent or NetEase they seem to be poaching a lot. Question is what happens to Platinum.

Kamiya didn’t make all those games by himself, Platinum will be fine. They’ve done an excellent job of building up their talent pool so much that they’ve got multiple talented game directors at Platinum.

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Not the biggest fan of this developer

Everyone is welcome to their opinion, but they have made some good games and will continue to do so in the future.


Bit like Treasure. The odd brilliant game just not a fan of the rest and where most of the games don’t sell great either.