Halo Switching Engine to Unreal?

I can agree with this. The Battle Royale, The Endless and next generation Halo uses Unreal Engine 5 but the current multi-player stays on Slip Space.

I vaguely remember someone from Obsidian, mayhaps it was Josh Sawyer, talking about (my gut tells me it was on Twitter) UE5 when it was announced and they (Epic) were touting its open world ability, that what they were showing works similarly to Bethesda’s creation engine now.

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Avowed is UE4/5 too, isn’t it? Although it’s unclear if its truly open world.

The Endless would be the expansion for the campaign?

It’s UE5, I was just giving games that are releasing or have released on UE4

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Yes. That’s the rumor. Either way, the expansion should be standalone so it doesn’t need to be attached to Slip Space. Wouldn’t mind if they pull a CDPR and make it current generation only.

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Considering how Infinite was supposed to be a 10 year platform, I’m curious to see how they handle expansions for Infinite.

I also agree that they should drop last gen consoles and only offer the expansion over cloud.


I think they should end the 10 year plan so to speak. Campaign expansions should be standalone especially if they’re using Unreal Engine instead of Slip Space.

At first I thought wtf why would they do that, then I realised all the benefits of doing this. The biggest benefit that makes me happy for Halo if it is true is that, they won’t struggle with hiring staff at all levels of the skill chain being a UE game which is the biggest engine. As long as the game looks great, runs good and feels like Halo I am all for this.

The next biggest thing is they have some of the world class UE developers on their teams that can help like The Coalition for example. With all these teams working on UE it will create an extremely dense knowledge base. I know games made with UE aren’t all the same and studios customise it to their liking but the groundwork is all the same and all these teams can optimise stuff. For example imagine a case where The Coalition came up with an extremely efficient LOD solution, then you have Undead Labs who were struggling with LODs and created something but they contacted The Coaltion and they share what they did and helped them optimise or even shared the code.

The final benefit is, Microsoft are backing UE so heavily and have some world class talent that know the engine almost better than people at UE. This will mean Microsoft could have a ton of sway on what UE does in future for engine development. Microsoft and Epic could become a bit of a force in the industry.

I know this is a radical suggestion but, hey, the idea of moving to UE is pretty radical in and of itself…

I think Tatanka should be 3rd person only. Made in UE5. Next gen only. Focused on “massive team battle”. Doesn’t have to play exactly (as in 1:1) like Infinite and people won’t notice because it’s third person.

Infinite can live on for another 5 years as the quintessential Halo FPS experience. At the end of 5 years a proper FPS sequel could be made in UE with all the stuff they learned from Tatanka.

I don’t see the need for two competing Halo FPS titles that could potentially feel slightly different. I think a lot of people would be open to a 3rd person Halo Universe large scale multiplayer title that isn’t about Master Chief’s story.

One way or another, two FPS games will cannibalize each other. At least with this massive distinction, we have a good reason for playing both.

This could be a dumb idea, I’m just throwing it out there.

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So if the switch to unreal is true I think we can safely say that the ten year plan is dead and halo infinite will more then likely lose its support when forge is released. I can see Microsoft and 343 wanting to distance themselves from the infinite brand after the disaster of its love service aspect. So I can see them transforming the endless into a full fledge campaign and using that to launch a new halo game without the Infinite branding. If I’m some how correct I would also assume that CA’s battle royale mode is being move to this new game and won’t be in Infinite.

It’s one thing if they make “Halo 7” in Unreal Engine but I doubt they’re abandoning Infinite any time soon, especially since any major sequel is still years away. Even if this does mean a mainline sequel is coming sooner rather than later they’re much better off continuing to support Infinite, sort the problems and turn around the games reputation.

Even if there ie a change in engine, you are mistaken to think Halo Infinite’s support will be dropped just like that. Looking at the support that MCC (which launched broken) has received to this day, it is highly unlikely 343i will abandon Infinite. I think there will be another 3 years of support at minimum.


Still it is a shame what happened with Halo Infinite. I wonder what went wrong there…

That’s sounds much more likely but either way Im fairly confident that the 10 year plan is dead. Really wish companies would stop promising those 9/10 they don’t even happen

They actually never stated Infinite would be supported for 10 years, just that Infinite marks the next 10 years of Halo as a platform or something along those lines

Not to mention it was said by someone who was replaced shortly after he said it

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I always love your comments.

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I mean at the current level of support, another three years of that would only require a skeleton crew…

This is a joke

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MS and 343i just need to get their shit together. I don’t care what engine they use. They can ill afford resets or false starts with the story, or content of Halo.

I am hopeful that they can get the people necessary to realize the potential of Infinite.

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In that situation Certain affinity’s UE halo wouldnt come out for another 2-3 years. For them to start “halo 7” after that(so they could have lessons learned) would then be another 4-5 years for the next halo fps. That’s 8-10 years after infinites release.

I’m not saying it’s a bad plan at all. But should that be the plan, 343 should continue to support infinite(with slipspace) for the next 3-5 years.

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The engine apparently. Most of infinites issues right now stem from lack of content. Besides things like desync and latency issues. I mean it takes about 6 months for them to make a single map. And the first sandbox addition to the game is 16 months after release(one new gun and one new equipment).

343 are full of talented people, and they do have a lot of staff, and a few support studios.