Halo Switching Engine to Unreal?

This should probably be required reading for people that like to levy concepts like “tech debt” exclusively at Slipspace, or for those that want some additional information on the inadequacies of UE.

In addition, when discussing UE, I think it’s important to have the most skeptical view on its capabilities (especially when viewed in the context of their tech demos). UE 3 and 4 had plenty of elements from their tech demos that never saw the light of day, even on the most taxing PC-only titles. I would not be surprised to see the same with UE5, in addition to the tech debt and other issues described in this post.

I love what UE has done for game development, and some of my favorite games run on the engine, but I think it’s important to have healthy skepticism about the engine and its limitations. Obviously that applies to Slipspace as well, but I would rather see more bespoke engines built around specific functions (like Forge) than a world where a single ubiquitous-but-limited engine exists.