Halo |OT2| Forging Ahead

I guess that’s good, but I did end up completing the event last week, so now I’m stuck with half my challenges as LSS and it’s a mode I don’t enjoy.

Perfectly said.

As as an older veteran gamer, who’s been on Xbox since the OG came out and playing Halo as long. I can say I am loving my time in Infinte’s multiplayer, just like I did this past fall. And…

A: That’s with the fact that I know it can and should still be better and offering more

B: I sure as fuck am not having trouble coming to terms with anything. I’ve come to terms with not liking a lot of franchises and genres of games anymore. Many of which would probably baffle and upset some of you if I said which…So I won’t. Because I’m not here to rain on anyone elses parade

Wish I could say that for some others


Same here. I’m having a blast playing Halo Infinite. It’s not perfect, but I’m not dwelling on the imperfections. There’s plenty of games that I’ve lost interest to as well, but I’ve never felt the need to constantly remind people why I don’t like them. I move on.


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Not worth the response really.


What exactly did they make easier? I’m still seeing 10000 cumulative score challenge. That one seemed a like a pretty obvious change to me.

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10000 cumulative score is surprisingly easy if you focus mostly on picking up the orbs off of eliminated players.

I think I had near 3k score in one game, and I was only like top 4.

Of course eliminating people also gives you 200, instead of the usual 100.


I noticed they halved a lot of the kill ones such as the kill 50 Spartans in last spartan standing got reduced to 25, a bunch of the more specific ones too like melee kills and headshots as well.


They now count as 2 challenge tiers, no – so effectively it’s like completing 2 “5000” cumulative score challenges? I haven’t spent time in Halo Infinite this time around so I might be crossing the wires with what was said and where or how it applies.

Someone’s jealous Zonky is getting all the negative attention attention right now

Your post was probably hidden because it wasn’t saying anything valuable. That’s why I asked for specifics, to make your post valuable. I was trying to help you out. It’s like going to a mechanic and saying “the car doesn’t drive good”. A good mechanic would start asking questions to make the statement more meaningful and useful.

There’s also an irony in us expecting 343 to adhere to certain standards but get irked when our own posts don’t adhere to the standards of discourse here. This isn’t about you, but in general with gamers, it is kind of funny that we criticize games and developers all we want but don’t expect our own statements to be criticized.

And in this case your comment here doesn’t hold up to logic. According to 343 themselves, they aren’t happy with the amount of content released thus far and aren’t happy with the content in Season 2. If there were indeed fans that were enabling 343 in releasing bare bones content, they clearly had no impact on the studio, because the studio isn’t happy and they made that clear.

Ultimately it boils down to money. 343 knows that they’re missing out on millions of dollars of revenue when the player base shrinks due to a lack of content. So can you see how silly it is to blame Infinite fans? 343’s goal isn’t to make a few people play their game. Their goal with a FTP game is to have a large volume of players. To some degree I’m sure 343 appreciates support but at the end of the day it’s all about money.

I don’t see anyone patting 343 on the back here. I just see realistic people knowing that crying over the state of affairs is like crying over spilt milk. It doesn’t solve anything. I would say that 90% of people here agree that the content situation sucks. The difference is that these same people aren’t going to keep crying about it, week after week and day after day. And when they remarked about how this season was lacking, they went into details and pointed out where exactly 343 failed. They didn’t cry with some vague “it’s a content desert”. Which could easily mean that someone expected more skins. We have no idea if someone saying that is talking about content for their own customization or for gameplay. It’s way too vague to be valuable feedback. “The car doesn’t drive good”.

And that’s what I mean by crying over spilt milk. If a person said that BTB maps should be a priority because they represent the most accessible modes to new Halo gamers coming from other FTP games, and 343 shouldn’t be shy in releasing such maps mid-season… that’s not whining. That’s a good argument for 343 to get moving on some BTB maps and release them when ready. But if a person said, “where’s the content 343?” that’s such a useless statement. When it’s that vague it is essentially whining and crying.

Just because people aren’t whining and crying about spilt milk doesn’t make them accomplices to what’s happened at the studio and it doesn’t make them enablers.


I don’t think I’ve told you recently friend, but I love you lol. After so much of the discourse today, it was wonderful having this perspective come from someone in the industry, and not just from the mods.


Want a GEN2 armor core.

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I have to say, though, if I’m posting on here too much that means I’m procrastinating and need to get back to work :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


After many games in Last Spartan Standing, I finally won one!

With some adjustments, that mode can potentially become an all-time favourite mode and I am not much of a FFA player myself.


Two maps in 6 months is definitely disappointing - especially when the game was already very light on content to begin with.

Also consider that there a lot of players who only really play one of BTB or Arena and not the other. For those players they’ve only had 1 new map.

Then consider that we’ve got another 6 months until the next season. We’ll be almost a year into the game’s life with only 4 maps in BTB and 5 in ranked.

If the seasons were only 3 months long I think would have been reasonably satisfied with this size of update. 6 months is a long stretch though and what we got just isn’t enough to keep people’s interest.

There’s also the fact that 343 managed to significantly tarnish any slight good will/word of mouth this update could have generated by making changes no one wanted and breaking core aspects of the game.

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That said…

Skill jumps are coming back:


Dramatic hyperbole, be thy name…


They take their time to talk, because when they do it’s of a higher and more comprehensive level than almost anyone else. They know the standards on them are so high it’s verging on insane, but they stay the course and I respect it.