Halo |OT2| Forging Ahead

Apparently this blog post was a disaster according to some ‘fans’ lol.

I too thought there was some good changes mentioned in there, but what do I know.


Why should anyone amplify or spend any effort on clickbait videos when we can instead discuss the actual blog post?


I mean, people are gonna be up in arms about “only” two new maps no matter what 343 does so I expected as much.

lol just saw the flagged post “PLANNING HELL” lol not gonna get a lot of level headed discussion from that vid, I bet.


ugh, dude, I’ll tell you fucking why…

…okay I should just leave it to you. Far more measured and practical than what I as gonna say

Started my legendary walkthrough already done with first 3 main missions

I am waiting for co-op to drop so I can redo the campaign with my friend

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It says that you can earn 1000 CR by completing the Season 2 Battle Pass, which would be one way to have enough credits to then buy the Season 3 Battle Pass and so on. I believe that this is how Fortnite works, but the Battle Pass content never expires with Halo Infinite either. I had played a ton at first and had my Season 1 Battle Pass at about 90, and I jumped on to play some again today to finish out the pass before Season 2 on May 2nd. Man, the gameplay is just ridiculously good in this game! I am excited for the changes and new content coming with the next season.


Those fracture armors look hot !

Whew all the marketing material for Infinite has been on point. Awesome teaser trailer.

You’ve got your usuals trying their absolute best to turn everything into a negative:



Beyond that, I hope this is the start of a steady cadence for the game. I want me and my friends to play this again, but it needs consistent updates with content and sandbox additions / changes.

Also over 1k retweets in 45 mins dead game amirite



I see one of the maps seems to have a Halo 3 guardian aesthetic going on.

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Damn good trailer. I might not be happy with the amount of content for season 2 but that got me hyped. Cant wait.

I really like the look of that new BTB map, Breaker. It’ll have a giant laser in the middle so that should be interesting.

I have played some pretty great games recently such as Elden Ring, the new Kirby, and Lego Star Wars Skywalker Saga. But man after playing some more Halo Infinite multiplayer last night I was reminded again of how insanely awesome the minute-to-minute gameplay is here! I am super hyped for the new season and whatever content they can give us.


Yep, same here. I liked the award last week so I figured I’d try going for it on Monday night.

Ended up playing for like 3 hours and finished the challenges in time to get it. Had a great time too.

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Holy shit!


Teasing a game mode maybe?

Going Live!

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Okay, who is the oxymoronic, moron who came up with the phrase Lone Wolves?

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