Halo |OT2| Forging Ahead


Banished Armor kit, looks like. Cool, but I need them to add Infinite’s take on the GEN 2 Armor.


GEN2 are the Halo 4/5 designs?


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I think the only one they added was the Athlon helmet, I’m pretty much waiting for the armor at this point.




I’ve been using my Monster Energy Drink weapon and vehicle skins as a point of pride because they are very cool looking and nothing else really compares. But it was unfair that people around the world couldn’t have possibly gotten them because of the product’s availability. So ultimately this Spartan point thing is a cool thing. Also I missed out on some weekly challenges so it’s great to be able to get those.

I do hope they know what they’re doing with the Gravity Hammer. For me the range isn’t the issue but rather the kill zone should be restricted, with damage remaining at medium range and and physics effects still remaining at long range. Sort of mixing the sword with the repulsor equipment. But the range was definitely far too large so I’m not complaining. I just think it’ll still be a problematic weapon.


Gravity hammer is unlimited fun, only balance change I don’t really gel with :laughing:

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Anything that makes spawn trapping in Husky Raid more difficult is welcome in my eyes.


343 is finally listening and is about damn time.


I think I’m having the worst connection I have ever had in Halo Infinite today. The game felt sluggish, sometimes it felt like my camera was hitching and this last game I just played I could feel myself getting a headache which meant the frame rate/time must have been all over the place.

I always run with the ping stat counter on. Usually when I’m noticing any sort of odd behavior in a game, a quick glance up at the top right validates the ping is horrible like 120 ms or higher.

I used to as well, but even when it said I have low ping something would happen, like blanks shots and being throw back a second or so. So I turned it off because the ping doesn’t seem to match my bad connection.

This time though it just felt bad to play, it looked smooth(well except for the hitching) but it didn’t feel smooth.

So I’m back on Halo 5 and the social Super Fiesta Party game type and, Stand Clear, has got to be the best Husky Raid map.

It’s freaking hilarious trying to avoid getting run over by a train.

Halo Infinite seems to be fixed for me, for now. Got my ass kicked in Husky Raid and Super Fiesta!


Anyone else get a survey from 343 on the impact of operations replacing seasons changing your playing time habits ?

Said it at the time that I think the move sounded good on paper but it would kill all of their momentum they were working up towards in 2023.

I think we’re seeing that play out now. Not too big of an issue I guess considering they were probably planning to wind down and work on the new Halo game anyways.

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Nothing on my end, but my playing habits with Infinite is nearly nothing. Because my connection hasn’t made it feel good to play in a long time.

Connection issues were in the survey as well ! Hopefully they see the feedback and make it better for those experiencing it.

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I honestly don’t think it’s on their end(could be I’m just matching up with people too far away enough even if I have set not to), as a lot of people have reported getting good connections after patches focused on them. I think I just need to accept that most games will feel weird, with the occasional really good feeling game every couple of games.

Edit: talking about it has made me think that my settings for more local connections maybe the issue. Maybe there’s not enough people near me, so next time I’ll change them and see how that works out.

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I can tentatively say that Halo Infinite in Expanded match making is so far feeling better. It’s only been 2 games but they both felt good, there was only 2 maybe 3 instances of weird feeling connections. B t it felt more like when I play Halo 5 than Infinite before changing to expanded.

Edit: So much better!


Where did you get this survey? In-game? Email?