Aaand here’s the link!
Damn, the end of an era but Frank has been real quiet for many years now, feel like I haven’t seen him in a 343i vidoc since Halo 5 and his presence on social media has pretty much died off, I remember he was a huge forum poster back during the Gaf days and even on the other Era, I want to have hope that this is 343i getting ready for the future with new blood coming in but until they start hiring I can’t have much hope, still, crossing my fingers that we get a real next gen Halo game eventually, I wouldn’t mind something fresh that focuses on single player, Halo has such a rich lore and should be put to good use, you can make a Mass Effect style spin off if you want with Halo, that’s how rich the lore is.
I don’t personally know much about Frank O’Conners role and how crucial he’s been to everything, other than having been aware of his involvement for the past X number of years - but I’ve been a lot of people place a lot of blame on him for the problems with Halo and a lot of people treating this as a good thing. Of course, that’s not the same as him actually being at fault, angry communities sure do love to find a scapegoat after all, so I hope people take that with a pinch of salt unless they know more on the matter
He also was permabanned at the other forum for making racial jokes, so shrug lol
Well, that’s…something. I guess maybe I can lean a little more towards optimistic with this one.
I don’t think he’s to blame for everything that went wrong but I do think him and the others in charge just didn’t make the right decisions from the very start when they were building 343i, he has a famous quote where he said:
“We had people who we hired who hated Halo because of ‘X,’” says O’Connor. “But what that really meant was, ‘I feel like this game could be awesome because of ‘Y input’ that I’m going to bring into it. I want to prove it, and I’m passionate about proving it.’ So we ended up with a bunch of people who were genuinely passionate about the product. That is a huge advantage, and that helped in hiring and forming our team.”
The problem with this line of thinking IMO was that Halo was a massive mainstream franchise at the time 343i got it, who millions of fans loved already and was selling on brand name alone, and they even knew what people didn’t like in Halo Reach but then made far worse decisions in Halo 4, I feel like a statement like that could work if they were hiring to reboot a dormant franchise, say like Tomb Raider or Doom were at the time of their revivals, but this wasn’t the case with Halo, they were put in charge of the second or 3rd biggest FPS franchise in the industry at the time only behind COD and Xbox’s biggest franchise, they had a rich history Bungie left them to work with and they messed with the formula too much, in Halo 4 and then in Halo 5 and now we are here, I think Halo 4 would have been received far more positively if it would’ve been a mix of old and new like Infinite was, but they literally went all in in trying to appeal to COD’s audience back then and it backfired.
I’ve been following this closely from the very start and it doesn’t surprise at all that this is how this era of Halo has ended, failure after failure, there was a time in 2015 when it was clear that the people in charge at 343i just weren’t the right people to be leading the franchise, it sucks that it took Xbox so long to do something about it and now Halo’s future seems uncertain but I hope they wow some day, a few years from now with an amazing Halo game, I can only hope.
Clean slate. I’m guessing this new team will build properly and might reboot the series from start.
Sucks to have lost Staten, although I can understand why he’d want to be elsewhere at this point.
I actually feel pretty good about the rest though, something needed to be done as a lot of them were clearly not doing their job and at this level, you shouldn’t get these many chances to mess up one of your biggest franchises.
Really hoping 343 the best in the future with brand new leadership in place!
If Halo is to continue it needs fresh faces and ideas
A big clean slate is for the best I think
This is a long watch, but it clearly articulates how O’Connor irreparably damaged the lore of the franchise. I don’t wish anyone the loss of their job, but if I was at bad at my job as he’s been at his, I would have been fired a very long time ago.
If this is about the Forerunners being their own separate race and ancient humanity being space farers, then that was a great story to stick with IMO. Though of course it helps that Greg Bear is a damn fantastic writer.
Uh, if it’s not about that, then ignore.
Reading the comments, aaand yep, that’s what it’s about.
Na sorry, I’m good. Humanity being the Forerunners would have been interesting but a pretty big cliche. Imo 343 have done a better job with the Lore than Bungie have. Especially when Bungie were this close to not releasing the friggen Fall of Reach and then made a game completely disregarding one of the best books in the franchise.
Its most likely risky and most wont agree. If we’re rebooting halo, then I would move on from master chief. I think that’s the only way I would reboot series. I think focusing on a new character could make things interesting
Please, please, please, please, PLEASE.
No more story reboots. No more “new directions”. No more “great place for new people to start!”.
Infinite is a rock solid jumping off point for the franchise, a new supporting cast, a villain that’s being built up, a new alien alliance to fight, and a new ring to explore. It’s set up perfectly to continue.
I don’t care if the next game comes out in 4 years or 8. Just please, don’t reboot the damn thing again.
Agreed because we havent finished the story of infinite and I found the story interesting. If they complete the story of infinite, then it wont Hurt to introduce a new character to follow .
Honestly, they can just continue from where we left off. The story’s purpose was to end one era, enter anew; in other words, a prologue. We can continue from there. It doesn’t have to be immediately after like Lord of the Rings Movies. It doesn’t have to be under the same name alas service. Just do a sequel that is treated as such: a new beginning.
Oh yeah, agreed there. Halo doesn’t always have to be The Chief.
I don’t mind a story reboot or starting a new story. Infinite was enjoyable but it didn’t really grab me as a story.
If it’s going to take 5-7 years in between games then I rather not do a trilogy anymore.