Halo |OT2| Forging Ahead

Microsoft is fully capable of creating that content without mtx. They still are making cosmetics even though they moved away from seasonal updates (to probably allocate more staff to Infinite at this time). Mods are also a thing.

I have one idiot on Facebook say that the reason microtransactions were withdrawn was because of Bonnie Ross’ “firing”.

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…the Act Man’s on your Facebook?






Ooh I want in:

well bye


I’m “disappointed” (have to tone down my language heh) in so many Halo creators out there on YouTube (people like Halo Follower, Sean W, and so on) who, through their ignorance of game development and even of 343, attempting to claim that blaming Ross was justified.

These folks had their nuts in a knot when the timeline came out so emotional reactions are par for the course, I know that, but it’s the refusal to understand what happened is that’s ridiculous.

They push that nonsense onto their audiences and it’s really no wonder why some of the Halo “fandom” is mocked industry-wide.

What is most ridiculous is that the troubles at 343 is all public knowledge at this point and these folks are still spreading disinformation. If you’re called “Halo Follower” maybe live up to your name and do some research?

Ironically because of all the changes made (under Ross’s watch) in the last few months we all know the product is going to be better. Being the oblivious clowns they are, they’re going to attribute it to her leaving the company.

Anyways, on a lighter note I hope that someone does release Goldeneye maps and a GE mode with similar movement and weapons. I’ve yet to get in depth into what possibilities the node programming allows for but if we can change rate of fire, damage dealt, etc. then I suppose we could recreate every single weapon in the game.



That thumbnail has me crying man.


I was actually surprised to learn MCC didn’t have mtx in the first place. It reminded of State of Decay 2 which also to my surprise doesn’t have mtx. The assumption for service and multiplayer games and shooters especially is that they’d have mtx.

I wouldn’t bash on this dude just for his stupid Halo takes and regarding 343i alone, because he has recorded history of racist, homophobic and misogynistic posts on top


Man all this Halo Infinte fiasco points towards huge mis management where the ‘Target features’ were hugely short handed and the game was getting cut down with each passing timeline

It’s is shoking how the most important studio could have this problem

They are cancelling a feature which is already playable in good state. Just could not get to finish it. :confused:

I wouldn’t say it’s in good shape. It has some critical nasty issues. Sure, if you ignore all of these game breaking and horrible potential user issues it works fine. Come on, no company in their right mind would ever ship anything so unstable in a flagship title. That’s the honest reality.

From the DF article @ Halo Infinite's cancelled split-screen campaign co-op tested - and it's excellent | Eurogamer.net

Player progress - including Achievement support - is unique to that player and even accessing the in-game map and upgrade systems can be done independently within each mini-screen. However, this can cause a corruption issue if the other player in standard gameplay. Other issues I encountered included spawning under geometry, time of day drifting between the two players (one can be playing at night, the other in the daytime) and there’s no character collision for the players, who can literally walk through each other. Some players have noted game save corruption (which would be entirely understandable), but that wasn’t an issue in my play.

There have also been suggestions that the mode was cancelled because getting it working on Xbox One may have been too challenging for the under-powered console, especially the OG ‘VCR’ model from 2013. However, despite understandable graphical drawbacks, it’s perfectly serviceable and a solid way to play. The visual compromises are legion, however: dynamic resolution seems to top out at 720p but can drop as low as 540p, making the game look very blurry. Draw distance is compromised to the point where low poly imposters for enemies are drawn in at a very close range, while the range of Halo Infinite’s real-time shadows is also savagely pulled in. Performance is also wobbly - in part thanks to the game’s inconsistent frame-pacing at 30fps but also through genuine frame-rate drops into the mid-20s in the open world.


I fully admit. I am quite enjoying all the Act Man shade in the thread right now

That said, I don’t believe this mf’er for one second that he is done covering Halo. As soon as he sees something come up that is related to some sort of update, new mode, something getting positive buzz, negative buzz, attention of any kind that could lead to a video about it getting clicks. He will be on it like a blood sucking parasite


Monthly green skin


Thanks for writing this post

But I did said they could not finish it.

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I don’t think it’s so much that they couldn’t, I think everything we’ve seen in these leaked splitscreen videos shows that they probably could have. Their biggest problem is they can’t get content out fast enough though, it seems this just wasn’t high enough in the priority list and was cut.
I’m slightly hopeful that a few years down the line when the pressure if off and they’ve gotten Infinite in better shape they might come back to it.


The worst thing about that DF vid/article is the misinfo in it. MS doesn’t have “6 month” contracts for contractors working at 343i, they were at least 12 months iirc.

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