Halo |OT2| Forging Ahead

There are two companies in the mainstream area: WWE and AEW. WWE had many problems that practically turned heads of hardcore wrestling fans to AEW, especially when it’s treated like wrestling heaven. Make no mistake, WWE is still market leader, but it was losing TV ratings, ticket sales, etc. AEW had a chance to capitalize the momentum, especially how much their boss Tony Khan wants to beat them despite his denial.

This year, Vince McMahon, who has been running WWE since 80s or earlier, got heat with allegations on things that I let you research if you want more detail. Long story short, he decided to retire from his position. In my mind, the allegations and problematic behind the scene like employee being unhappy were like joy for the hater and AEW. It’s as if the downfall for WWE was here. Instead, the opposite is happening.

Triple H or Paul Levesque took over creative control and after the experience he gained from running NXT, he is more than ready. Once he took over, WWE product changed a lot and still going. Employees are now in good spirit, ticket sales boomed, TV ratings boomed, and the momentum is going strong. Whatever the haters hoped for is now backfiring hard. In fact, I dare say this moment is similar to Xbox of today, minus market leader.

Paul is like Phil, he worked on NXT, but can’t go hard because the big boss said no. Phil couldn’t go all in with Xbox One because the big boss was still new as the CEO. Paul got full control now, so he can change so many things inside and out. Phil got full control as well, now that Microsoft officially gave him a blank check in a way.

In short, with Bonnie Ross gone (wish her best) and the restructured leadership is formed, those who were hoping for them to go out in the sunset like recently Babylon’s Fall will soon eat their words.

But you said that person’s retirement can be a downfall so I thought that WWE has become worse after VM retirement.

I do think Bonnie Ross’ retirement will kinda revitilize Halo community, espeically that the guy who restored MCC will be at helm now. Microsoft just need to acquire CA and for a lot of Halo fans the future will be bright - especially if Staten will continue to bring former Bungie guys back.

Oh no. I was referring to AEW. I forgot to mention. I won’t say they will die, but Tony Khan is too focus on WWE’s recent success. In fact, he hired so many wrestlers that came from their. Now we got stories that some want to go back to WWE to the point Tony Khan got furious backstage, allegedly WWE tampering contracts. If WWE kept being the way they were, AEW focus wouldn’t have been lost sighted.

The momentum of WWE is distracting the audience, which Tony despised it. Their wrestlers tried to bury WWE, especially that one time where a wrestler told the audience not to watch Monday and Friday crap (WWE two flagship shows). Worst of all, there’s a recent media scrum that have their own top stars legitimately fought each other backstage. It’s a mess.

I see. Well, then indeed the changes in 343 might allow it to gain back some momentum. And maybe even bring some folks back.

Weird… I thought this was the Halo OT?

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If MCC is an indication, it’s likely to be the case. Forge is coming and that can help a lot. It’s almost poetic to have the new leadership opening a new content with fans’ requested feature within multiplayer section.

Yeah, if they play the cards right then Halo can be back - granted it won’t reach COD level anymore, but still it can be decently big.

For what it’s worth, despite way too many hate posted videos, it still holds up well for a game with little content dispatch.

No LOL, this is would kill the game forever. Even going to the past and saying that they shouldn’t work on any crafted MP maps to focus on forge with maps for launch and the gamemodes would be a better idea if you wanted to speedrun content creation and activity by having players making the bulk of it, and that’s a hot take.

I still think the focus on competitive arena PvP MP is a bit too old fashioned. Bigger and more casual modes for MP, as well as PvE and campaign content would do more I think.

This is just my opinion of course, but it’s pretty much what most people I interact with says as well.


I think PvE content will come in the near future, but campaign content? I would say not anytime soon for sure.

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Yeah, they definitely are planning more, but it’s hard to say when that will be coming.

Other than the fact that they have a dedicated team for Campaign, Microsoft also registered “The Endless” which is basically a giveaway that it’s the campaign DLC.

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I know that one is coming out eventually, I just don’t think it’s any time soon.

If it’s released, say, late 2023 I don’t think that’s “soon” tbh :skull:

I know it won’t be soon, nothing is soon with Halo Infinite haha :wink: But seriously, I’m just saying that they should prioritize these things more.

Like others have pointed out allready, 343 is just too small.

Breaking news, we will be having the @Sikamikanico on You Had Me At Halo this Thursday!


With as long as the battle royale is taking I expect that it isn’t simply going to be another mode.

I think it will be separate from the rest of the multiplayer. When you launch infinite you get the screen that gives the choice of campaign, multiplayer, academy, and custom games. I think battleroyale will be selected there.

The reason is simple. I think it’s gameplay will differ quite a bit from the traditional multiplayer. Things like health regeneration, shields and bullet behavior may be completely different. Maybe less auto-aim.

Maybe it will only differ like modern warfare was different to warzones, but I suspect it will be more. I think halos guns are too accurate for battle royale. There’s not really any recoil for most guns.

I do know from years and years of BR games that discovering, customization, looting are a must. How infinite handles this idk? It’s hard for me to imagine weapon attachment in halo, weapon variants at least. I suspect most customization and differences in the gameplay will come from the armor types and attachments.

100% It will be a separate game like COD mainline and Warzone.

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Would a Halo Battle Royale game have vehicles in it?