Halo |OT2| Forging Ahead

Ooh, very nice. More XboxEra streams for the people!


People who have been keeping up with figuring out what Sikamikanico has been teasing in the OT might find some new fun things to chew on in here :wink:

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I think someone might need to take the mouse and keyboard away from @Sikamikanico lol.

We’ve got a fun show on Thursday, follow that link if you want to drop us a question.



u wot m8?

But seriously, a question in regards to the forge launch, the people that have been tinkering with forge maps/creations on the leaked build, will they be able to move that stuff over into the new build or will they need to start from scratch?

Just wondering how fast we can expect content to be available when this launches

I thought the hacked Forge builds they were using didn’t have save functionality exposed. If thats the situation, I don’t see how anything will transition. However if they were on official insider builds with save functionality, I would think they just save their map, upgrade, then load the map to continue.

I heard that too but then I saw a couple of people making things on the leaked build and they kept reminding themselves to save often because it could crash and lose the build

So I’m really not sure

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My stuff (including Curfew!) is already in the retail build, I just can’t access it until the update drops and is downloaded and installed.

I’ll be updating Curfew tonight from 8pm on Twitch so that folks can play something “new” ASAP. :slight_smile:

EDIT: Leaked build content is not compatible with the update. It’s lost.


Ok good to know cheers, looking forward to it :slight_smile:

Update is live, 10.99gbs on my Series X. Might vary by platform.

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In case you’re not paying attention:



Popped up on youtube before I even saw the post, looking forward to giving it a try. I’ve already got some map ideas I want to try out.

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That is next level what you’re doing guys.

They sure know how to hype up.


Does Forge has any Banished prop ? Wanted to build a map with Banished pieces or outpost and I don’t see anything…

It’s not there with today’s launch, but in the works iirc.