Halo |OT2| Forging Ahead

Tim Sweeney and Co did an absolute fantastic job with marketing their engine. And the only thing they really did was port Fortnite :rofl:


This is precisely what I’ve been saying since this surfaced. Same with the rest. Needless to say, I completely agree.

Also, see this from the other thread:


As someone who have worked with different games engines, trust me each engine has their pros and cons. Unreal Engine is great because it very user friendly and available at free of cost to everyone. But once you get used to a new engine it can produce similar or better fidelity than Unreal Engine.

Engines like RAGE (Rockstar), Anvil (Ubisoft Assassins Creed Series), CryEngine or the latest Slipspace Engine are able to render massive draw distances with great performance whereas other engines struggle at it. The so called tiled resources of Unreal Engine 5 were in used since ages for the Assassing Creed Engine.

RAGE and Slipspace are some of the best when to comes to open world sandboxes and physics. Unreal is not that great at it.

I can name many features are at parity with or better than other engines.

People think that using Nanite assets (scanned assets) are how things are made for the games but in reality most of the stuff is made from ground up for each game. So when people see look how quickly people are cranking out good looking levels using the free assets they feel like its super easy to develop but in reality its a very long and tricky process even if you are using Unreal. There are so many small intricacies that goes into game development. If it was so easy to develop why would studios take so long to make games.

I would be really sad that everything and everyone started using the same Engine and games will start looking and feeling the same. Sometimes that uniqueness and innovation is what is required and which is promoted.

Personally I would love 343 to evolve the Slipspace Engine along using the talent at Bethesda. Once matured properly it will be producing mindblowing results.


Reminder, we’re live this Thursday with YHMAH!

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Couldn’t agree more. While I understand why some studios would use UE, I was disappointed when Crystal Dynamics and CD Project Red announced they were switching from their own engines to UE. I’d hate to see the same thing happen with 343i. I want to see how Slipspace evolves this gen, especially when current gen becomes the central focus.


I hope they figure this out soon. Ping issues, and packetloss seams to have gotten worse for me and my brother lately. Games constantly in the 130-180 ping area. We both live in California so I don’t think it should be this bad.

I don’t think it helps that they have tightened the SBMM. We play ranked doubles/ranked slayer and I would rather them loosen SBMM as much as needed so that connection can be stable. Even for ranked.


Yep, perfect expansion on what I was saying. Each engine has its advantages/disadvantages, and while middleware is great, it’s no exception to that rule and a world with less bespoke engines is one I’d prefer not to see.


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Reminder, we’re live in just under 2 hours at 7:15pm EDT!

I just saw a rumour that season 3 will include a Forge landscape called Glacier. Which is fantastic because that means each season will bring new themes to Forgers and players will always have something fresh and new.

When Fortnite Creative came out I created a hockey game mode for it:

The problem was that I needed to be a Fortnite/Epic partner or something like that to get a map code to share with other people. All I could do was create a private server and invite my friends to play. So no one else could really play it.

This is obviously fixed with Halo, where anyone can share their creations without that sort of restriction.

I’m hoping to create a hockey mode for Infinite. I think I would make it more than Grifball on ice, though. Having puck possession, delivering hits to knock it loose, and precise passing could take things to another level.

I’m even considering making some videos to show people how I’ve done all this once I’ve figured it out. So I’m not going to stream the 2 hours of me trying to figure out something basic but after I’ve figured it I think making it 10 minute video breaking it all down would help a lot of people. The more this sort of information is shared I think the faster we’ll see innovation and mind-blowing new modes.


I mean 2022 is the year we got Master Cheeks after all lol.

Hey gamers, if you wanna hear me rant about Halo’s lack of social modes more than I already do on the podcast, I made a lil video :slight_smile: Social Halo in 2022? - YouTube


I’m over here thinking the opposite. Too many social modes not enough competitive. There was only one ranked mode until a few weeks ago when they added doubles.

I think they need to separate Social and Ranked. Having one gigantic playlist is detrimental to the modes that are at the bottom of the list.

It’s a small thing, but it needs to be done ASAP. And you need to see your rank even before clicking the mode in ranked.

Also, give us levels or something to work on beside the BP, pls. It’s taking so much time to implement this stuff.

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I think I should clarify that I’m well aware that there are only a couple of RANKED options, but the game has continuously moved towards a standard of “sweat every game as if it’s the HCS World Championship” for a long time now. Halo 5 was just as bad, but at least there were more options when it came to more casual-friendly modes.

This isn’t meant to be a “Halo Infinite is lacking content” discussion necessarily, more so that I find it disappointing that Halo has become a game where, if you want to just chill out and have fun, you’d have better luck playing the MCC. BTB Social and Rumble Pit are a great step in the right direction, but without a custom game browser until March at the earliest, and more social modes like Infection, the game obviously prefers a certain type of player to be the ones who play it and it’s not me.

While that bums me out tremendously, that’s also okay. I’ve (mostly) come to terms with that.


I agree very much with this.

As a casual, Halo Infinite MP feels very sweaty and there’s pretty much nothing around it either like progression or PvE. It’s very uninspiring when you don’t give af about competing.

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Ya I get it.

Think they need to drop SBMM outside of ranked. Think that would help with every game feeling like a sweat.