Halo |OT2| Forging Ahead

I thought it was already in insider access with the co-op beta version of the game.

It was not. It was not intended to be, but folks found a way.

It does make me wonder if there was just a glitch that they could exploit or if they had to data mine it and activate it.

Very nice buff to the plasma pistol this patch. Just needs to slightly improved rate of fire and tracking and it will be perfect.



If you have any questions go below to ask!


Hopefully they make it were in ranked a Onyx cant party up with a silver or gold player

No thanks. The main focus needs to be put on games with good connection and then time to find match. To often games have high ping, and take too long to find matches. The last thing 343 need to do is set strict parameters around skill. Games will have even worse connection and take longer to find matches.

Thats how ranked works

Maybe that’s why all my games have high ping and terrible desync. Just don’t think 343 should intentionally be making that worse by implementing more strict parameters.

Have had to take break off Twitter after the community went after Uny for explaining game dev. So many are just beyond help. Like I’m genuinely upset that many don’t think what they are doing is harassment. If you question it they get pissy about defending 343 despite doing nothing if the sort. So many have argued with me about this in the last 24 hours that I’m now just blocking everyone.

If you didn’t see, Uny replied that one particular user was being antagonistic and it just riled them up even more. It’s so fucking horrible and it’s such a horrible community to be a part of barring a handful of good creators who let their feedback known and then move on.

Sorry for the rant and bringing drama here, I just needed to vent with some like-minded people. I’m considering just blocking the word ‘Halo’ on Twitter. Really ruins my enjoyment of the platform and the game.


The Halo community is terrible, whith its only saving grace being the Forge community. I always hated how they hid behing the excuse of “having the right to criticize” to continue harrassing the devs. There is criticizing and there is harrassing. Sadly, the community is tending more and more towards the latter.


I honestly have no idea why 343 even bothers interacting with the so called community any more.


There’s this frustrating thing I see in games discussion that is “development by check list”, this expectation that any developer should develop their games entirely based off a checklist of everything the prior game did and if it fails to do so it’s inferior as a result. It completely ignores the reality that developers could have valid reasons for building a game the way they do, or that there could have been any changes in development processes between entries. I don’t think Halo Infinite is completely free from criticism - 343 clearly could have handled all of this better, but a lot of the criticism feels like “development by check list”.
Halo Infinite was, whatever way you look at it, a huge project overall to develop. How many modern games feature an open world co-op campaign, a full multiplayer suite as well as a full level editor alongside it. Even if we go by that standard - people criticise them for not having Forge available at launch “like bungie did” but Forge seems to be orders of magnitude more complex than it was back in those days. The idea that they should be completely equal in development is absurd. And even beyond that, the multiplayer is NOT the multiplayer of the theoretical “Halo 6”, it is not meant to be, it is a free to play game that they released and are treating it as such.


Don’t forget the obnoxious comments every single freaking time a forge video releases “A ramDoM DUde FroM InTerNEt diD ThiS WhY 343i CaNt huehuehuheuh!!”


Love this post, It is applicable to so many games.

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Been going through the campaign on legendary. Loving it. Never gets old popping grunt heads and hearing Steve downes voice.

Multiplayer side of things continues to frustrate me with the network issues and desync issues. Ping is constantly over 100 in most games now. And even when I do get those 20 ping games desync is still very prevalent.

I believe if these issues remain it won’t matter how awesome forge, battle royale, firefight, and infection are. They won’t be able to stay on top of or near the top of the most played charts until this stuff is resolved.

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Lots of players have left the game and less players will obviously increase the chances of worse connections and ping

Forge should bring a fair amount of people back and that will help alleviate that a bit

Desync definitely is an issue though and has bee there since day 1