And good lord, you were right. My only hope for IGN is the person playing is not the girl who is reviewing the multiplayer. When they announced her as being the person responsible for that, I wasn’t sure who she was, but every conversation since then she doesn’t seem to know much, or have played a lot games in general. In the back of my mind I thought, okay maybe she hasn’t because she’s mainly in to multiplayer shooters. Which would explain why she got assigned to review Halo Infinite MP
Bruhhh lmao calm down. Stella wasn’t even part of the trip who went to 343. That was Ryan and Miranda. Stella is an experienced fps player coming from Apex legends, and a far more relieving choice for reviewing MP lol
I don’t think anybody is saying people who play bad should be excluded or anything, it’s just that more skillful expression when revealing something new like a map in this case helps actually showcase that map in a more informative way compared to what we got. If this was just one of the previews among many then sure no one would care but this is the first and also exclusive coverage. And the problem is this shall poison the well for the rest of the coverage that IGN is still supposed to be doing the rest of the month.