Halo |OT| Master Chief's Breath of the Wild Moment (Part 1)

Behemoth is FUCKING FUN! just almost won a match, 3 of us against 5 cuz the game didnt fill the remaining two spots in smh, coulda easily won otherwise


Same I love it won 50/47 it was intense. The map is fucking great!

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Behemoth ist awesome!!! What a beautiful map. Also the sound of the warthog :heart_eyes:

No they need to nerf the hell out of it. I don’t see any nerf from the first flight. The AR is way to strong. It can kill someone in 14 bullets. You shouldn’t be able to miss 60% of your shots and still kill someone without reloading. Please 343 reward skillful play.

Make the pistol a tiny bit better so it can be used more effectively at mid. Currently it looses all auto aim at mid range, fix it to have some. Also fix the bloom. If you spray the pistol it misses shots, because of the bloom.

The ar should not melt people at mid range. It takes zero skill to use the thing. If you want to use it at mid range you should have to tap the trigger. Why does the pistol have bloom but not the AR.

Oh come on, it’s the first time in Halo history that the AR is actually useable. Please leave it alone!


It should be useable at close range. It shouldn’t be viable to use otherwise. The only way they get away without nerfing it is if they remove it in ranked.

Repeat after me:


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Mind if I use these for a news post on Xbox Era?


No absolutely feel free to use them I kind of wish I did more now haha.

AR doesn’t beat out the BR at mid range so for me that’s fine. Perhaps I’m not skilled enough but I find it hard to get pure mid range kills with it. Finishing someone off sure.

Behenoth is live in training mode. Make some Screenshots people!

Sheet GIF

Remember when people were complaining about the gun textures last year? Yeah, that can be put to rest now, although the critisism was valid at the time.

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the difficulty of using skewer is especially pronounced in Behemoth due to longer distances, gotta lead more, which is a bit difficult having been used to using it on small ass arena maps all this time.

Just played the second behemoth match and won this time. Again, super close, the last point was me and another guy who were mad low in health and I just scraped through and meleed him and both of us died, but the team won. lol

This map is super fun dammit!

I think Infinite is matching and maybe even surpassing the 2018 announcement and the 2019 reveal


On my phone, some of these screenshots look like props from movies.

It’s from PC I guess ?

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Awesome! Busy weekend for me so I won’t be able to play much matchmaking during the two sessions but I’m going to play a lot of this with Bots

broooo why is the game crashing now all of a sudden on PC. Never had a crash the past two days, but two crashes already, one mid match and now one after I finished this behemoth slayer.

Mine are from Series X.


when I first saw it I was like wow this looks like a pretty accurate prop, lemme see who recreated it and then turns out its all in game. :exploding_head: