GUNDAM EVOLUTION Servers to Shutter November 29

Originally published at: GUNDAM EVOLUTION Servers to Shutter November 29 - XboxEra

Announced yesterday, Bandai Namco has announced that the services for GUNDAM EVOLUTION will shutter on the 29th of November, nearly one year after the game officially launched. In the blog post, Executive Producer Kazuya Maruyama offers his apologies to the players and fans of GUNDAM EVOLUTION and offers a final roadmap of the content coming to the game before the game’s shutdown later this Fall. A ‘Mission Briefing Final’ will also air at 2300 PDT tomorrow where Maruyama and co. will discuss further details regarding the game.

Click here to go to the blog post in question for more details on service closure and sale of microtransactions. But with that said, there goes Bandai Namco’s first foray into the F2P shooter market—though it likely won’t be their last.

This game felt so generic and like it wasn’t even utilizing the Gundam IP at all. Hopefully they give massive XP boosts now though, the only achievement had left was to hit level 50.

I’m still playing Blue Protocol which is also from Bandai Namco Online and I think that game will have much better potential and staying power once it releases in the West.

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Hope so. It seems like Bamco has weak record with F2P in mobile and PC/Console. Well, at least in mobile with anime based, except DBZ thanks to US and South America (assuming at least).