Games Analysis |OT| Time To Argue About Pixels And Frames!

Ya, the Google keyboard supported gif doesn’t work here.

How you upload gif on xboxera generally?

On my computer. Copy then past link. It’s just that some of the ones I want end in a gifv format or webcode data text, so I gotta find it again

It’s not the first time that a patch has weird results on one of the two concurrent platforms. Massive is probably aware of the bugs on PS5 and will try to fix them. 1080p resolution scaling on PS5 is obviously a bug.

It’s the resolution disparity that is more indicative of a trend, I think. PS5 seems to be a 1800p machine when Xbox Series X is at 4K. If XSX was less capable, developpers would have probably push for 4K on PS5.

I guess it’s easier to get max performance on XSX and then downscale a bit for PS5. It’s good that XSX seem to be the lead platform this generation and its power already put to good use.

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Luckily for me, im playing Division 2 on Series X. Hehehe. :grin:

Alex explained that on B3D.

The engine streaming is not working 100% as it should and some assets fails to load (in both versions). And the “RT world” may use a different lod from the scene so there are scenarios where the streaming can load the asset in one world but not the other, but that’s completely random.

Maybe first look at BC Frame-Rate doubling next week:

Apprently that one spanish Framerate guy said that Microsoft gave him a sneak peak on something next week. Since he’s like digital foundry, and Klobrille posted a reply with an image of doubling, many are assuming that frame-rate doubling is back on the menu.

First Post:


Xbox Game Studios |OTXII| What a grand and intoxicating innocence OT

So do you think Bethesda deal will close in this month? It will be great news. I don’t think that’s impossible for the EC to clear the Bethesda acquisition before March 5 (it happened for other acquisitions) but Linkedin, GitHub, Skype and Nokia…

Squirrel Post:


Xbox Game Studios |OTXII| What a grand and intoxicating innocence OT

Spanish youtuber (ElAnalistaDeBits) He deleted the tweet and now: Any guess ? Also in Spanish forum he posted: Must not get hyped…

Seems to hint at frame-rate doubling to me!


Interestingly, that pillar that had the missing decal reflections is symmetric and on the other side of the room if ya look towards the pillar (i.e. exact same scene just from the other side of the room) the decal reflection is present.

I’ve been playing the first Just Cause, which was released near the end of the 360’s first year. It’s crazy to compare it with some games released on the later years of the console. Seriously, compare it with Halo 4:

This is just to show how early days show nothing about the consoles’ true potential due to cross-gen limitations (Just Cause was cross-gen with the OG Xbox).

Now, this is the start of the current gen:

Imagine what we will be seeing in a few years!


Many call it cross gen limitations. But it’s simply ‘early’ gen limitations.

Well, games being released now were originally designed with the last-gen in mind, before both Sony and Microsoft had decided on the consoles’ specs – not to mention the games that are being optimized via a patch years later.

The ‘early gen’ limitations also affects the games’ development (especially because of new dev kits), but there is only much they can do when the game was made with the last-gen in mind.


Framerate doubling, oh man the potential. Dev input isn’t really needed for it, correct? So imagine them doing this for RDR, MP3 (if it ever becomes BC of course)

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It would be nice if they managed to make framerate doubling, resolution multiplier and ML based asset upscaling system wide features, kinda like auto hdr (works on everything except for the blacklisted they found issues, at least until they can improve the solution and white list them)

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Oh man, that would be amazing. I’m already a huge fan of auto HDR.

I really hope they implement that into all their upcoming games if the dev itself can’t bring a proper implementation.

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I’m very confident we’ll see something like this. IIRC the 2 main issues that made resolution scaling work on a case by case scenario on X was due the 2 main issues:

  • They needed to update the game container to a new XDK version, otherwise the game would only have access to 50% of X’s gpu (which meant retesting every game)
  • Heutchy method worked only with resolutions that were int multiplier of 4k, so for example games with dynamic res or games slightly below 720p would break.

Both problems are solved on SX, even old XDK xbone games (so early xbone and 360 games) are exposed to the full gpu resources, and heutchy method has been updated to support float point scaling, so they can in theory apply scaling to 4k on any game regardless of the resolution (not sure if they support dynamic resolution scaling now though), and in theory SX has enough GPU resources to brute force the res bump.

Sounds like we could be in for a huge treat for BC games. I always love playing them, but if any of these kinds of things are going to be done…I’m gonna play even more BC.

But they did say this would be for select titles though, right?

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Just give me Skyrim at 60fps PLEASE

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Fixed. :stuck_out_tongue:

Can’t wait to see what games and features the incredible BC team will bring to the Series consoles this year! :partying_face:

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Just Cause 1 was one of my favourite games that gen. Great atmosphere in that one.


UL releases 3DMark Mesh Shaders Feature test, first results of NVIDIA Ampere and AMD RDNA2 GPUs -

A new benchmark released shows the difference between a scene with and without Mesh shaders.

  • NVIDIA Ampere: 702%
  • AMD RDNA2: 547%
  • NVIDIA Turing (RTX): 409%
  • NVIDIA Turing: 244%

We might be seeing big gains using for games using Mesh shaders. RDNA 2 was running on buggy drivers.