Games Analysis |OT| Time To Argue About Pixels And Frames!

it’s not.

I’m not underselling anything. A lot of ‘new’ features in FH5 like trailblazer, Eliminator, Super7, accolades were first done in FH4. That is iterating and just a fact :woman_shrugging: You on the other hand are underselling what 343 did with Halo Infinite, where they essentially did what PG did with the first Horizon - make it an open world game.

Here is one substantial change PG did from FH4 to FH5: the structure how their multiplayer groups gamers in instances (basically like an MMO). And look what caused and causes lots of multiplayer problems…

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It’s almost certainly not, at least not in the sense that it was completely made from nothing. It would have its foundations on the Blam engine but with so many changes that it can be considered as a new engine.

This is nothing out of the ordinary though, as this happens with almost all engines when developers say it is brand new.

Yes its a new engine. There are of course remnants of Blam in there and it would be completely naive to suggest that 343 would have just gone and re-coded something from scratch. But as you say like any engine its built on the previous foundations but its very clearly a substantially new engine.


Forza Motorsport will be a new engine to all intents and purposes but that’s why game is still not dated - these things take time.

And I assume next FH game will have a more substantially updated engine.

The point with HI is the engine was being built pre-One X so no way it was tuned for current gen consoles from initial design. Which is why I think there are relatively few ‘next gen’ features in there.

I expect a full next-gen patch in the future, coming together with ray-tracing.

It’s obvious they had to cut massive corners so they could polish the game and launch it in its current state.

I’m certain that we should see a graphical upgrade next-year, this game has a 10 year plan after all, navigating those 10 years on last-gen technicalities is insane.


I don’t expect the MP to get any different and it doesn’t need to honestly. But the Campaign should, at least all the future story DLC should be XSX/S/PC ONLY!

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Yeah, I don’t expect much change in the MP side of things, but I’m certain that the campaign should see improvements.

My bet is we don’t see RT on Halo Infinite on console period.

I know they said its coming but that was in the pre-console hype period where all anyone talked about was next gen features.

But to add RT on console seems unrealistic to me as I look at the way the game runs etc in the DF video. What are you cutting to get any sort of meaningful RT lighting (or at least reflections) into the game at 60? And I suppose they could go 30FPS but their whole mantra since XB1 has been 60 minimum for Halo.

The biggest benefit would be full RT lighting system to solve most open world TOD and lighting issues. But that just looks very very expensive.

So I’m unconvinced its ever coming. PC maybe. Console? I’d be shocked.

Is the game really is a 10 year plan we should expect to see continued optimization to the game/engine which would ideally add some headroom for increased fidelity.


They won’t add RT to PC unless it’s also on console.

Yep, there’s no other way around it, they’ll have to make the jump to next-gen at some point, even if the plan gets reduced in time a little.

Yeah that’s more than possible - but that’s not ‘next year’ or even ‘the year after’. Their priority has to be new content. Not new graphical features. As if you want this as the base for 10 years you need to show a very very rapid and ready roadmap for new stuff on both MP side (critically) and SP side (less critically but still important).

I’m just struggling with the whole RT thing right now and seeing how it would work without some significant sacrifices OR more likely considerable time spent on the engine etc over a year or two.

They did say (no later than a month or 2 ago) that RT was towards the top of their priorities.

I think the folkd that work engine updates are not the same that work content.

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I’m not convinced but hey we’ll see. I think they are committed on PC via AMD partnership with game but I’m struggling to see how on Xbox this will land RT quickly - given that the engine doesn’t seem that well optimised yet and clearly they are close to maxxing out headroom.

I guess it might mean a drop to 30FPS though lets face it for Halo that would be absolutely pointless as nobody wants to play this at 30!

They did - but they didn’t explicitly say it was on Xbox - they were referencing their partnership with AMD on the PC side IIRC.

The teams are different, the engine will continue to evolve, it needs to.
It might not come in less than 2 months, but it’ll come next year I’m sure.

Best example I can give here is how MSFS evolves in their engine.

What makes you think that hadn’t happened starting from last year when they delayed and pulled in Joseph Staten?

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I am sure 343 has already said that this will be the case. The only question is whether the improvements will be applied to this game or just for future games.

Even with these issues game is a massive success that’s telling

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I dont remember in the last few years a game that im so eager to play like I’m for Infinty. It is a good feeling!

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