Games Analysis |OT| Time To Argue About Pixels And Frames!

Going back to that 8K talk. Here I was told Falconeer is 8K. I got curious and decided to install it. It’s 4K/60fps and 1800p/120fps.

People misread that article by Xbox last year. The Dev just said that if he went with 6K or 8K, but that he opted for 4K.

As for The Touryst, could it just be that the studio had all year to work on the PS5 version and managed to optimized it way more? Because I don’t believe for one second that this couldn’t be done on XSX, not for one second.

They rewrote it for the PS5 api, off course it would run better on PS5

Ah yes.

Yeah just now on Twitter I read that it’s native on PS5 and not on Xbox. Something along those lines?

yeah, it shows PS5 has room for added performance as well when its own api is fully utilized, but xbox had none of the directx 12 ultimate features used as well. Its probably gonna be like one of a few examples this generation where the PS5 outperforms the XSX.

DF just uploaded a new one

This is an interesting one. I would like to have this…mode I guess for Xbox too. I haven’t finished the game yet.

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Summary of the Medium video:

-The RT AO on the PC/Xbox versions is replaced with SS AO on the PS5.

-Baked in bounced lights are removed on the PS5

-RT reflections are lower resolution on the PS5

-Shadows are slightly lower resolution on the PS5

-Resolutions range from 1620p-1728p on the PS5 while the Xbox version runs between 1026p-1440p.

-Loading times is around 13 seconds on Xbox while it’s around 21 seconds on PS5.

-Performance is overall better on the PS5 but has pretty bad frame pacing.

-The previous issue of frame pacing on the Xbox has been fixed but the drops in performance still exist.

So basically it comes down to a slight downgrade to visual features at a higher resolutions or slight upgrade to visual features at lower resolutions. I agree with DF that it would be great for both systems to have the option for both setups.

It’s also interesting to how this is an example of how we sometimes see studios be more aggressive in effects early in the generation while later iterations of the tech is more deliberately used. I’d like to see the PS5 settings on the Series consoles.

Thanks for posting. Did they ever fix the artifacts in the Xbox version? I got the game on day one but couldn’t finish it because those artifacts were everywhere. I also agree that I would like to have this altered version as an option on the Xbox version.


You forgot that the loading time on Xbox is better.

Hmmm, with artifacts you mean weird white glitches on the sides of the screen or something else? Because that’s something I have with several games , such as Borderlands 3 but only in certain interiors, so weird. But also in We happy Few.

As for The Medium…

I’ve played for a few hours and I noticed that it looked somewhat soft to me, also my viewing distance being really close doesn’t help. Yeah this altered version would be great to have as added option, but if they will do that…I bet it’s all hands on deck for them for the new Layers of Fear now.

Thanks, added.

The best way I can describe it is weird colored strobe light like effects all over the screen. We’ve seen it in a number of UE4 games and only effects the Xbox fork of the engine. I believe Epic fixed it in one of the newest builds but we still see it in newer games.

This is an example I recorded yesterday in Hells Let Loose.

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Oh wow, this would make sense because I think Borderlands 3 and WHF both are UE, right?

Yeah I remember the weird stuff with The Medium, I especially noticed it early in the game in the office.

Oh holy shit, I see the clip now. Nothing that extreme for me.

Is that only during that or also gameplay?

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Yup, both of them are UE4.

And yeah, that is an extreme example of the artifacts and thankfully I haven’t seen it during gameplay in this game. The severity will be different from game to game. Before it was patched, the artifacts were present in Chivalry but pretty minor where they were more severe in the Medium to the point I couldn’t play it because it was so distracting. I should load it up, this video makes me want to play it again.

I don’t think I’ve ever seen that before, like whoa, that is bad!

Is that recording over the HDMI signal or from Xbox DVR? I would be surprised if it shows up using the built-in DVR.

That was recorded through the buit in DVR.

Woah. That’s a bit crazy. I wonder if Microsoft would suggest a repair submission.

The problem is a UE4 bug on Xbox and not my system :slightly_smiling_face:. There have been a number of UE4 games with this issue such as Chivalry, The Medium, Outriders, and now Hells Let Loose.

Consider me owned…

I’m thinking this is the best thread for this question even though it is all about Halo Infinite…

Do you think the multiplayer maps are using the same lighting engine that the campaign uses? I’m playing on the base Xbox One, and I’m guessing that multiplayer It’s not using any pre-baked lighting or anything like that. I’m seeing some interesting and great looking GI, and the shadows all look real time.

I asked this because I think you would be very cool to have a multiplayer map with a day/night cycle. Of course it would need lights to come on at certain times to maintain a certain level of visibility.

The other alternative is predetermined times of day being randomly selected. Vigor does this with various weather and times of day and it’s incredible.

So what do you all think?


Interesting, I always assumed the GI would be baked into the environment since it doesn’t support different TOD and that would be more performant. Though that would lengthen the time to iterate on and make MP maps.

If they are able to support different times of day, I’d love to have it. The spotlights in the game do a great job lighting the environment and we know they’ll have a way to see at night in the campaign, so they could apply that method for the night maps. If they plan to use the flashlight at night in the campaign, that would present an interesting scenario where you have to choose between barely being able to see or using your flashlight, standing out in the darkness.

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I’m really curious about this too. On one hand making everything dynamic but with a static tod for MP allows for faster iteration and makes it consistent with the campaign (and given it’s the first time a Halo game will ship with dynamic tod, having even one visual aspect lower in the campaign compared to MP would be a first). It would also make Forge maps far more compelling visually.

On the other hand, calculating dynamic lights @ 120hz must be really tough.

The one thing I can see it working is if they maybe speeded up the pre baking in a way that they can run during loading times for the MP, and in the campaign the extra room from targeting a lower fps enables then to update it staggeredly as the tod changes.

It, they just will have inferior lighting on the campaign due the inability to pre bake