Again, Call Of Duty. Outside of the World War 2 centred games I was always uncomfortable with the iffy politics and the “might is always right” stuff and, I admit it, stayed with the series as much for the flashy graphic sheen as much as anything else. Nowadays there are many developers producing games with more intelligent stories, characterisation and ideas beyond hide-behind-your-stubble-until-the-bullets-fall-out gameplay and I’ve simply moved on.
Gears of War and Battlefield, both soured me with stale game design and i will not be there in the next games.
Mass Effect (and no, not because of 3). Waiting so long for the next & ending up with Andromeda (the very definition of meh) kind of killed the franchise for me.
Pokémon With this franchise, my issue is simply fatigue. The last one I played was White (second best game by the way). I just lost interest after that. Of course the new Snap has piqued my interest.
Pokemon. I had nearly 2000 hours logged in oras. I had spreadsheets of future builds to try. Then Sword and shield pretty much killed my interest.
Sports games. All of them. By far it was my most played genre for 2 decades. Late last gen I started to burn out and that’s continued into this gen. There was a period where I’d buy a NHL, NBA, NFL, MLB and NCAA Football game every single year. Lack of competition with all the sports has really stagnated the genre. AI and physics haven’t moved an inch this gen. Animations seem stuck in place too. Hoping Zen 2 processors allow the genre to move forward again next gen.
Final Fantasy, as much as I hate to say it.
FFIX is my all-time favorite game, and I have great memories playing FFVI/VII. But I couldn’t muster up any excitement for FFXIII/XV.
At least Xbox is finally getting Dragon Quest.
I have several but the biggest for me is Zelda. I have replayed LttP and OoT countless times. TP is amazing as are several more recent games. Something just seems to be missing with BotW. The dungeons are missing the magic that made Zelda great for me, perhaps the limited variety with the bosses and the lack of items that unlock overtime. I like the idea of an open world game but I don’t like the approach they took on this one. I started to replay it once but put it down quickly. I hope the next one is more in line with what made me enjoy the game so much back in the day.
Call of Duty, Fifa, Need for speed come to mind immediately.
Assassins creed is on and off for me. I complete one game and then wont touch another one for 3 years or so.
Pokemon. I was addicted as a kid but my desire to play all the way through the games has been diminishing since X&Y. I actually bought Pokemon Sword with a Switch voucher and have yet to play it at all. I don’t know why I’ve lost interest, I just don’t get that spark anymore.
Also, Call of Duty. Again, loved it as a kid, but Black Ops 1 was the peak for me and it was all downhill from there, until I finally stopped playing them after Black Ops 3. Titanfall has taken its place and I no longer need CoD.
I agree with everyone that has said Pokemon. Everything past X//Y hasn’t been for me and I always hope that take they next step but they never do. So I decided to move on from the franchise. I still have all the old games that I love but going forward it will take something drastic to get me back and excited.
Legend of Zelda (all started going downhill since skyward) Persona ( i just can’t handle the schooldating anymore) Ubisoft AAA titles