Forum Tracking Page

Is there a page to just view the threads you are tracking with new posts? I could have swore it used to exist, but I can’t seem to find it anymore.

See if this has what you want, this may just be the settings for tracking and not the list of what’s tracked: It’s under “Profile” > “Preferences” > “Tracking” [ Link direct to it maybe? ]

This what you’re after?


Yep that’s it. I thought there used to be a link to it in the nav menu.


@Predrag It looks like there are nav menu settings to show the unread count and/or make the nav menu items link to the unread threads instead of latest. I don’t know how much control you have over something like this, but would it be possible to make the unread count link to the unread posts and the nav menu item (ie. category title) link to the latest instead of one or the other?

Screenshot 2023-11-23 085830

Ok, will check and let you know.

You can also customize your sidebar menu with any link you want. Forum links, categories, tags, external links, anything can be added, so it will be always shortcut for you in the sidebar.


Added to the menu:


Awesome, thanks so much.

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