Final Fantasy 14 Impression

When is there a impression about Final Fantasy 14 on the website? Not for me i play it from the start but for xbox players.

@Doncabesa typically does all the reviews around here :wink:.

the amount of time to properly play this one is too daunting

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Don’t blame you, it looks like a beast!

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I used to play it back in the day before getting hooked on WoW at college. Booted it up the other night and sunk 5 hours in and then decided against getting sucked into an mmo again. I think if it was an added extra to GP Ultimate I’d play it here and there, but can’t see myself paying a tenner a month when GP keeps me busy. Not enough time in the day.

Good game, though it is looking a bit dated compared to Black Desert Online.

But I recall last year a tweet with screenshots of a big visual upgrade for the game. This was while the game was finally officially announced for Xbox too. Wonder if that’s still to come or has already been applied?

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Ask someone else from the team.

Wirth the new expansion release .

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Between this and your last FF topic:

May I suggest trying a different approach as it personally comes across quite rude to me.