Epic Games not allowing Fortnite on xCloud - #FreeFortnite

Yep. The sooner Microsoft put their efforts into creating an engine to rival UE5, and then put it out to third parties the better.

I dont know about that, im sure UE5 is a great engine. Tim Sweeneys end game is to have a ready player one like platform, I just doubt he wants it completely open.

At the end of the day a business is a business and there goal is to make as much profit as possible.

Microsoft literally have no need to do that.

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That engine could be out today and I doubt if many devs would use it. Most of Xbox Game Studios are using UE and the last thing Xbox should be doing is forcing those devs to use xEngine™ or whatever engine MS could create.

At the moment Xbox has a hands-off relationship with XGS and 3rd party developers, who are free to use whatever tools and even cloud service (AWS says hi) they wish for their games. IMO, that’s a good move and how it should be.

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We arnt talking about forcing devs to use any engine. Lets be real here, MS already has a number of highly rated enginee in its studios such as idtech and Forzatech. Microsoft has 1000 times the software development resources that Epic has and has the ability to create a bleeding edge engine the equal of, or better than UE. You might find their studios might actually prefer that engine. As far as middleware goes, you have UE and Unity, with Crytech fumbling around as a third option. Devs might lap up an engine from MS that fully intergrates all DX12U features, and as Epic is more tied in with Sony at the moment MS has no loyalty to Epic.

And while MS “doesn’t need to do this”, just like it doesn’t need to be in the game console market, that doesn’t mean they shouldn’t do it.

bro no

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I really hope epic lose this court battle tbh.

And I hope they get hit where it really hurts them.

This should be used by the Apple defense team to be honest. There is MORE than enough evidence out there to show Epic’s duplicity. Like the cross play emails. Sony doesn’t want gamers buying content elsewhere to play on their network - which makes pure business sense. They should be compensated for that somehow, so I don’t get the hysteria. Meanwhile, Epic is making threats regarding the UE4 license, and I’m sure it isn’t the first time. If people don’t realize what a monopoly Epic has with gaming engines, and their willingness to use that to their advantage while complaining about monopolistic practices?

Epic doesn’t give a damn about anything other than their bottom line. I truly hope they go down in flames. At least Apple can offer me a secure paywall with my privacy protected - Epic would sell that to the highest bidder in a nanosecond.

This confirms what I was saying wrt EPIC seeing streaming as a means to bring users into EGS, and why it makes sense for them not to be on xCloud (which won’t allow that kinda thing to happen):

Sort of makes sense.