Does Media Bias Exist Against Xbox?

If the goal is to just make $$$ then they responsible audiences like us ought to call them out on their misleading agenda. Instead, you are pushing the responsibility for their scam onto MS. You are rationalizing instead of bothering to promote a meaningful ideal. Why? Why defend outlets that purposely deceive the audiences to farm them for cash?

The rationalizing here is becoming rather perverse. It’s ok to note the reason X happens, but that is not a stand in for justifying why X should happen.

I say that if a media outlet isn’t serving you, go to someone else. If you’re trying to offer well meaning, constructive feedback to help them be better, that’s one thing. Nobody deserves the mental beat down they’re often given these days. I think this goes beyond gaming but for now, let’s focus on toxicity that is sent their way over a hobby that should be fun. If venting is necessary, find a quiet place. I think we should put people first.

I don’t see IGN or any mainstream media intentionally fulfilling a propaganda role. Yes many of them are not enthused by the same things we’re enthused by. Give the clicks to the sources you feel serve you.

A 1.4 trillion dollar company can advertise, have shows, do interviews, etc and control their messaging that way.

There is no misleading agenda or scam, there is only business and @zedox did a great job at explaining how MS can do more to change the perception so that these businesses find it beneficial to change their rhetoric.

With an outlet like IGN, they get as large as they are by appealing to the most common denominator. That means appealing to the largest base. It sucks but that’s how successful businesses are sometimes run. It’s up to MS to change the opinion of the base that would lead to a shift in marketing strategy for sites like IGN.

As stated, consumers can do what they can and call them out. I’m speaking more about the generating clicks from console wars. I personally don’t like it. I’m just stating that calling them out is one thing, boycotting them effectively so that they understand why they are being boycotted and fix the issue is another.

Microsoft isn’t in charge of console wars in media, but they also came into this business knowing it was a thing, and also used their own tactics in it (even to this day, as Sony does) through marketing. If they want to change how they are looked at, they have to do what they can… That’s not the responsibity of an outlet nor consumers.

If you think I’m defending outlets from inciting console wars, I’m not. I will say that there isn’t an inherit bias against Xbox. If you don’t like what an outlet is doing, don’t go to it, tell u your friends and family or whatever and don’t support it. Unless you are effectively changing an outlets dollar income , the outlet will continue doing what generates them money. That’s not defense, that’s a fact.


The market value of MS has literally nothing at all to do with any points being raised. It is not a matter of being worried about MS going bankrupt. That’s bad faith framing and I bet ya know that. Nobody is suggesting there be ‘a mental beat down’. Holding outlets accountable for promoting themselves as X and delivering Y is not the sorta harassment you imagine anyone here is promoting. It is nothing more than offering well meaning constructive feedback to the outlets so they can better align their content to the ideals the proclaim to promote.

Please go back and read the replies to this thread. I think you have this notion in your head that anyone offering criticism of press outlets must themselves be some whiny Xbox fanboy or something.

The actual replies here include thoughtful, constructive criticisms on offer. For instance, having basic working knowledge of a genre you are reviewing, or having a basic grasp of what a developer was intending for their game design, or basic grasp of technology if you aim to run a story about a rumor relevant to that, etc. Asking someone to have mere baseline competence in the area they report on is hardly the sorta toxic feedback you seem to think is on offer. :slight_smile:


I will agree there seems to be a certain bias against MS and we as customers should not support that bias. I also feel it’s more subconscious then an actual plan to do so. These young journalist just have a warm spot in their heart for Japan because that’s what they grew up with. Microsoft just seems like an outsider to them. Even though MS has been in gaming for along time but MS history was more on the PC side instead of console.

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They go where the clicks are…more folks use Playstation. Hence, they will cater to that audience more often than not.

Doesn’t mean there’s a bias, it’s business. .

Ultimately, what I just want, is for journalists to at least understand the basics of what they are talking or writing about. I’m not asking them to know everything about all subjects, just the basics. Everybody has their preference, different passions, but as a professionnal journalist, you should be able to at least get the basics of what is happening in the business you are covering.

Nobody should be surprised that Obsidian is an XGS Studio now, or that Game Pass is even a thing. I get being more passioned about Playstation, to each their all, just know the basics correctly. I don’t think it would be too much.


That I :100: agree with and is far more prevelant than the other stuff people feel.


Stating the reason X happened is not the same thing as justifying why X should happen. Don’t you agree with this simple statement?

Also, you say ‘go tell your friends’ etc…but is that not precisely what is occurring in this thread? A group of people with common overlapping interests sharing their views on the topic and offering constructive feedback that outlets could use to improve their work? None of us here need to ‘go’ anywhere else to express these views. We have a thread for it RIGHT HERE!

For a long time, folks would say it’s ridiculous to think there is bias. Look at how some fans turn on Digital Foundry when they post something positive about Xbox, and they are armed with tools of facts. Who knew tools and equipment were biased.

But I think there is a little bias. E3 kinda showed that to me awhile back when Sony said they were no longer attending.

Games Media: Plenty of articles like “Here’s why E3 is no longer needed”, it’s some master chess move by Sony

Same games media if MS announced the same: “MS has given up on Xbox”, “Trouble brewing at House Spencer”, “XbOx iZ DuN!!” :man_shrugging:


I saw this and thought it was dumb. I know people are biased but this was a dumb post.

Xbox got articles about them exiting E3 when their floor plan had less sq footage then Sony one year.


Totally forgot about that. Then it turns out they moved to their own theater.

I don’t think you’re suggesting to beat anyone down. I’m pushing back on the term “bias media”. It’s a battle cry that does lead to toxicity.

Technically, media owners are biased for clicks and views. When it comes to Xbox, the negativity or apathy towards the brand from some outlets is the cart, not the horse.

I feel like holding an outlet accountable means not giving them clicks. It’s like not buying a product that stops meeting our needs. The term bias media however tends to lead to the Dark Side even if you don’t intend it to.

This thread is a making a statement about media in general. They aren’t saying anything about boycotting a specific outlet(s) to create change. Sure, express your views but the constructive feedback isn’t going to the ones that actually need it. Unless you are suggesting that this site needs to change in that regard then I would agree.

I really don’t like that we keep mentioning IGN since I do think they do a decent job overall keeping their journalists in their lanes, so to speak. At least that’s been my impression of them.

That aside, you guys are talking about a completely different topic than what the thread is premised upon. The thread is not asking ‘what can MS do to win over the press’, nor is it asking ‘what are the reasons that media bias exists and how does that relate to capitalism’. It is asking if there is a media bias that exists.

Well the thing is… The OP used IGN example as the first post and asked a generic question. So what you feel what IGN does is fine is apparently evidence for him to think otherwise.

The points being made now are through the organic discussion being made.

Ok, but how do we know who sees the feedback? Jez is here posting. He is in the games media enterprise. Others in the press likely will post here or read here too I bet. If not already, then surely in the future once the forums grow into their potential.

I can agree that it is generally unfair to cast the whole games press in the same light without specifics being offered. I offered one specific myself earlier (Gerstmann reviewing Quantum Break without grasping what genre it was). I’m sure others can offer some too.

It depends!

As some already pointed out the media writes articles where they find the biggest audience and in effect the most clicks.

That said, there are individuals that are not able to hide their preference even they should stay more objective in some of their comments when they write about the games industry and games. But if you know that it is easy to put their opinions aside.