Documentaries about Videogames |OT|

The psychonauts 2 doc is sooo good. I cannot stop watching. It’s consuming all my free time right now. Tim Schaeffer is such a funny guy. And I did not expect to shed a tear watching this but I did.

Really recommend it to anyone. I’m about halfway through and still captivated.


I think I probably cried a little about the same thing you did. Ep 17?

Different episode but same plot lol.

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I watched the entire Double Fine doc this weekend. What an incredibly transparent and thorough look at the production of video games. Seriously, a must watch for everyone who wants to understand video game development a bit more.


Think I made it about 25 or so episodes so far, it’s absolutely fantastic.


Also watching these has inspired me to install Unreal & commit some time to fooling around. While I still know I’m going to be horrible at it, the Amnesia Fortnight videos in particular make me just want to TRY some stuff, even just white boxing.

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I’m at roughly the same place, my biggest takeaway from this series is just how damned hard development is. At the end of the day it’s still an art form, and art takes time and experimentation and some ideas just don’t work out or need to be iterated upon before it can all truly shine. It seems like they had a tough time making Psychonauts 2 but the game they made at the end of it was something truly special.

I think it’s stuff like this that should be remembered whenever there’s deep and terrible concern over Xbox studios because a minority of studios hit roadblocks or have setbacks of some kind. I doubt there’s a single game that doesn’t have some kind of stumble in it’s development, especially new IP’s or games from new teams.


This is a mega series.


I said it before on these forums but what doublefine do in terms of there docs is something id love to see from other developers!

If anyone still hasn’t checked out Doublefines amnesia fortnight docuseries you should! They have to be the best game “documentaries” out there

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The Double Fine documentary is an incredible insight into game making, and genuinely collaborative projects in all industries.

No one should complain about a game’s dsign or delays or bugs without having already seen this doc.


I think this is something that really is under appreciated. Double Fine have done it well, but imagine if the Coalition did it, and it covered them first getting Unreal Engine 5, trying to get to grips with it, seeing the decision making about wether or not to can their new IP for Gears 6. It would really give people an understanding of how games are made, the issues they face, why games get delayed, I could go on.

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Watching through the PsychOdyssey doc, and I just have to wonder how different The Discourse about video games online would be if everyone had to watch it. I think that a ton of the criticism we see would be less-pointed, would take things less “personally” if folks saw how decisions in game dev are made.

From a documentary-creation perspective, it really shows how different it feels when you have an embedded team, and the commitment to make a truly exhaustive production, not just a “behind the scenes!” look.


I kinda knew game dev was hard but that doc really opened my eyes as to how hard it is. Fantastic dosumentary. Also made me finally play psychonauts 2 lol Was fun to encounter levels and things they showed in the doc.


The double fine adventure playlist is also great.

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i think there would be less discourse if there were more open communication or open dialogue of some kind like how a movie or TV show production is very open sometimes about this and that when games we just get a Title of a game and release date

I find it wild how well this game still holds up…

Also I do find it interesting how quiet a few of MS IP’s tend to have some really good documentaries behind them.

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20th anniversary doc for Obsidian


Super cool project that noclip is working on:


No Clip are on a roll…

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