Digital Foundry has a Series S video up

i mean they could use the SSD as virtual GPU RAM, but this would be terrible slow. Think about how games perform when they run out of GPU RAM on Pc and have to swap to normal RAM which is way faster than the SSD in the Series S.

Yeah I finally just had to stop reading. Itā€™s clear that after a few days of positive buzz around Xbox, certain folks were frantic for something they could try and paint as a negative.


You know certain people are really jumping the gun with the concern over the Series S and its BC capability. I wonder if they are considering the fact that we donā€™t even know how well the PS5 handles BC at all right now.

I want to know what people are going to say if the PS5 is running some current gen game as a straight PS4 Pro profile and then Series S takes the same game (One S profile) and enhances it past the PS4 Pro.

Oh? I thought Sony reported it was still just the select titles (top 100 by play time?)?

Iā€™ll admit I donā€™t dig for PS5 info. Donā€™t trust the hardware after PS3, PS4, and PRO.

I think the plan is for all PS4 titles to be back compat. They just did initial testing with the 100 most popular games.

I think it should be all of them for the most part, though Sony has been kinda cagey on this. When playing PS4 games the PS5 will enter into PS4 or PS4 Pro compatibility modes. So in theory all of the games should work, but we donā€™t really know. I think the 100 titles thing was just what they had officially tested at the time.

All of the shade being thrown on the Series S is just going to be turned right back around on the PS5 if its BC solution isnā€™t on point. Donā€™t people see all they are doing is inviting others to retaliate as soon as they get the chance? Itā€™s just a constant circle of hate.

ā€œFor every :point_right: [finger point] there are 3 [fingers] pointed back at you.ā€

I am legitimately head-hurt with the overflowing bullshitā€¦ I was going to say ā€œin console warzā€ but itā€™s so much more wide spread than that.