Deviation Games closes studio

You thought you had something with this.

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Never mind. Cba with this place.

Bro you’re getting cooked right now. Nobody is celebrating this news, it’s just weird how 5 Sony affiliated studios have shut down in the last 4 years. A pattern is beginning to emerge.


Funny thing is people were calling out Microsoft on this very site when they were laying off all those workers (rightfully so) and that was just fine, but some people get…weird when Sony gets any criticism.


And a pattern the Media is so willingly to ignore while they keep making rage bait articles about Xbox leaving hardware and how game pass needs to be “sustainable” or something equally stupid and negative about Starfield. The media makes a lot of money on fanning console wars and riling up people.

Gamers and the Media ignoring Sony’s issues is not going to make them go away and will be pretty jarring when things happen due to them and everyone is shocked even though the writing has been on the wall for years.


They are in a cult that’s why,