Destiny 2: The Final Shape - Campaign | Review


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Destiny is one of those series that whenever I read praise of its story, I have to scratch my head. Halo at least had a good twist at its heart, and Chief-Cortana was a good relationship. Destiny has always had beautiful design and a really good sense of scale, but narratively it’s… absolutely uninteresting for me, and wisecracking Cayde didn’t add anything (though I know all you need is ‘OMG NATHAN FILLION’ and people seem to be happy). It has a good setting/conceit, but cannot make use of it, imo.

Add endless tinkering systems on top of endless tinkering systems and you have something that feels miles wide and an inch deep to me - a criticism merrily thrown at Starfield, but never Destiny, it seems.

Also, and I’ll maintain this forever: the game would be 100 times better without hip fire penalties. You are agile and fights demand movement, and ADS is shit. ‘Best gunplay’ is an absolute cliche at this point - Halo Infinite is tighter, more flexible and the holy trinity design is still superior.

Grumble grumble. Anyway: clearly if you enjoy Destiny, there’s more of it, so that’s good!