Cyberpunk 2077 5th episode of Night City Wire coming Thursday, Nov 19th 6PM CET

Yo, choombas!

Get ready for episode 5 of #NightCityWire!

We’ll talk about our favourite rockerboy Johnny Silverhand, share a variety of Night City’s tunes and a lot more.

It’s going to be a big one! Save the date:

Thursday, Nov 19th, 6PM CET See you on!

To ease the painful wait, here is brand new gameplay footage down below!

Enjoy and feel free to discuss your thoughts about the new gameplay video. Cheers!

Edit: Brace yourselves!


Looking forward to this. Really hoping that CDPR announces the expansion pass content before the game releases.

Don’t worry, they said they planned to announce the post launch plans before main game release.

There is some interesting new gameplay with a sneak peak at the character creator with a german interview. But didn’t understand what they said unfortunately.

So if @Colbert could kindly translate it for us or any german speaking fellow, it would be really appreciated. Thanks!

I am excited about this game, it’s looking really good.

Is that gif actually from the game?

Lol looks like it, reminds me of the Sky-line system in Bioshock Infinite.

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I can’t. The video was blocked due to copyright issues. I am in a black out period for C77 anyway as I want to enjoy the game without being too much spoiled.

Can’t wait to play it! But with the backlog of Game Pass titles, I doubt I will have time! So, I will most likely purchase it at a later date!

No problem, understood.

Stream is happening now., man it looks so good. And they keep showing december 10 as well. I sure as hell hope they are 100% certain of it. Last time they literally promised no more delays, it seemed so certain and then it happened.

If they do end up delaying again I kinda hope they just say something like Q1 next year or something. Don’t promise a concrete date so loosely.

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Gameplay trailer added to the OP


PC gamer played 15 hours of it!


Watching the 5 minute gameplay trailer, Cyberpunk 2077 will be overall game of the year winner when it’s all said and done. It’s blowing everything away!!

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It’s the last Night City Wire. I don’t want to get my hopes up just yet, but that’s probably a good sign! :slight_smile:

Three weeks away. I would think that reviewers get their code next week before or after Thanksgiving. I’m waiting until the next gen upgrade but it looks superb.

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2 mins of the trailer were​ enough I’m sold. Looks phenomenal.

Ahhhhh wait for next gen or not?:no_mouth::no_mouth:

Play on release then a second playthrough when next gen patch hits.

I was always debating this myself, but not I don’t think it’s possible for me to wait that long. Hopefully it has a season pass eventually, and if it does I’ll do all that on the next gen version.

Good idea! maybe they might even release DLC with the patch to give you another reason to jump back in.