Can we now expect all existing Bethesda games on GP?

So now that Bethesda has found their new home in Xbox, I have been wondering if we can expect to get all the existing games right now from Bethesda on Game Pass?

It sure as hell would help with the launch lineup. Sure, all old games but having DOOM Eternal at launch for example would be awesome. I wonder what Xbox is going to do now. There are tons of amazing Bethesda published games I would love to see come to Game Pass.


Right now? Probably not. But they should all be there eventually.

Probably real soon yeah. Jesus…I didn’t even consider what this does to the immediate GP library. Fuuuuck. Crazy times. I’m still tryna keep jaw off floor.

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I think someone posted a rundown and it was about 26 games that should be added to Gamepass. It’s truly incredible.


Yeah I wasn’t really sure what MS “rule” or however to call it was going to be. All XGS games are Game Pass day one, but does that go for newly acquired studios too?

I think there are still some XGS games too that released before GP was a thing (Fm7) that are not on there, correct?

Yeah, all their First Party stuff is day one, so i think that rule will apply to all of the Bethesda games except for Deathloop and Ghost Wire (Timed exclusivity for Sony). The older stuff might take a while because some of them might be on PSNow and they’ll need to wait for those contracts to end. Also, since the deal technically isn’t finalized, that might hold up some of the older titles from coming to Gamepass right away as well.

Ah yes, PSNow. Forgot about that. That makes sense.

But who knows, maybe Doom. There was a rumor this year that Doom Eternal was coming to GP. And now…now Xbox owns Doom! Crazy yo!

I remember that rumor… Crazy times.

I would imagine that this is one of the big reasons for the Zenimax acquisition, to bolster Game Pass library even further.

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Confirmed by Xbox UK:

That means:

  1. Dishonored: Definitive Edition (Xbox One - 2015)
  2. Dishonored 2 (Xbox One - 2016);
  3. Dishonored: Death of the Outsider (Xbox One - 2017);
  4. Doom Classic (Xbox One - 2019);
  5. Doom II Classic (Xbox One - 2019);
  6. Doom 3 Classic (Xbox One - 2019);
  7. Doom (Xbox One - 2016);
  8. Doom Eternal (Xbox One - 2020);
  9. Doom 64 (Xbox One - 2020);
  10. The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind (Xbox - 2002);
  11. The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion (Xbox 360 - 2006);
  12. The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim - Special Edition (Xbox One - 2016);
  13. The Elder Scrolls Online (Xbox One - 2015);
  14. The Evil Within (Xbox One - 2014);
  15. The Evil Within 2 (Xbox One - 2017);
  16. Fallout 3 (Xbox 360 - 2008);
  17. Fallout: New Vegas (Xbox 360 - 2010);
  18. Fallout 4 (Xbox One - 2015);
  19. Fallout 76 (Xbox One - 2018);
  20. Prey (Xbox One - 2017);
  21. Rage (Xbox 360 - 2011);
  22. Rage 2 (Xbox One - 2019);
  23. Wolfenstein: The New Order (Xbox One - 2014);
  24. Wolfenstein: The Old Blood (Xbox One - 2015);
  25. Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus (Xbox One - 2017);
  26. Wolfenstein: Youngblood (Xbox One - 2019).



That’s the whole point, isn’t it?

now make quake2 and wolfenstein backwards compatible and add them to game pass!

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Hyped to play the old blood and Doom Eternal on Gamepass. Hopefully we don’t have to wait long.

I just realized that I own all those games. I always liked Bethesda so that acquisition it’s a match made in heaven for me.

Most of them are also on Game Pass or at least were at some point. Bethesda has always been… supportive? about Game Pass.

Yup, a lot of them are or have been part of GP

Perhaps the purchase has to close first? Do we know when that’s happening? Or maybe they do them all on November 10th.

I wonder if they’ll just dump all these games into Game Pass or if they’ll release them to the service over time.

I’m expecting staggered releases rather than the full library being instantly available but still keeping my fingers crossed.

I’m most excited for Dishonored. Never played any of them but have always been interested.

And despite how many platforms Skyrim has been on, I’ve never actually finished the game.