Brad Sams: A Closer Look at Halo Infinite’s Turbulent Journey

I know this but could have easily said the Xbox One version is later which now due to delay would have been perfect. With X-Cloud even if it’s a year after Series X launches, I wouldn’t have had any studio develop games with cross-gen in mind. People can disagree but Sony has it right. You don’t have your first party studios working on games for an old 2013 obsolete console. That just makes no sense. Even less sense when you factor in X-Cloud. There’s a lot of stuff I like from Xbox and what Spencer wants to do but also a few things I don’t like and in my mind, makes no sense and only hurts those who want to jump in with your next gen console. But to each their own though.

Gotta think that not everyone is going to buy it day 1 especially during a time where the economy has taken a major shit

That’s true but if I was playing on Xbox One, why would I want to play a watered down version of Halo Infinite when I can wait a year or less and play the Series X version via GamePass/X-Cloud? Especially if it runs like crap on the 2013 model which is what the majority own. That would just make the game look bad and be disappointing for that individual.

Now, it doesn’t matter since it was delayed which is actually the far better decision than releasing it this November.

Guys, it’s not surprising that another launch title got delayed. I suspect we’ll probably see more of these in the coming days and we should get accustomed to it. The coming console generation is one year early under current circumstances.


Yep u can thank covid

Yeah agree, they can’t rely on Covid excuses for the major issues. It seems way deeper than that. It’s like there is a lack of connexion between what they see as good and what us we see as good. Big disconnect.

Before the show, I even remember people saying they heard from their sources that the game is looking phenomenal and being a juggernaut…lol

Also I noticed since a while they are always speaking with exagerating terms, hyperbole qualifyers etc. Please stop!

If you use those terms then the game truly needs to be nothing short of incredible, amazing, visually jaw dropping. It is the flagship, people have made a mockery of the july presentation.

Even if it means delay to 2022 then so be it.

Don’t screw it up. Halo is Xbox. Xbox is Halo.

UPDATE: Brian Jarrad (343i) speaks out

I just hope that this is a great game, I’ve been anticipating this game for over 4 years now and will be the first mainline Halo in over 5 years so please be good, that’s all.

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That seemingly settles it.

what a mess, i think MS/343I should not speak about this game until the next reveal.

you want to shut people up ? then show it action

I think these dudes are out of touch on what the community wants or how should game be presented also this not the first time Phil made comments like this.

i think he needs to step away from interviews or talking about events, his comments only bring harm to events or usually trap himself in the corner

The irony of this whole situation is that the one thing 343 has done very well in both halo 4 and 5 is the technical side of the graphical presentation. Halo 4 was arguably the best looking 360 game, certainly the best exclusive. Halo 5 ran at a locked 60fps throughout. Go watch the digital foundry video on the one X version of Halo 5. It is described as “a stunning upgrade”

I am confident that they can get the graphical element up to speed before the launch.

My personal theory was that Halo Infinite has had more than just a story change. Tim Longo was the guy who made republic commando. The idea of the squad was his idea. With Halo 5 they trapped themselves between two pillars. If they leaned into the squad mechanics to much it stopped being a traditional fps and became a tactical shooter, but if they designed it like a regular halo, the additional characters made it too easy. The decision about squad mechanics also explains the weak characters. All those people were there because the mechanics demanded it not the story.

It is not difficult to imagine that Tim Longo was not happy about the change back to a solo master chief story and so left. I have nothing against Tim but this change is absolutely for the best. If they initially planned to have squad mechanics but ditched them at some point, they would have to make a lot of changes to the game.

With him leaving just a year ago, if the design was changed at that time it explains a lot about why the campaign might have been in an unfinished state in July.

With some very solid foundations to build on from halo 5 it is easy to imagine that the multiplayer and forge might be in a much better state now.

The openish world with the possibilities it creates for the halo sandbox is exciting. The music is great. The three characters introduced so far all have clearly defined motivations which many of the halo 5 characters lacked. I still remain very optimistic.