Battletoads - Official Release Date Trailer (August 20th, Xbox One, Windows 10, Steam, Game Pass)

I personally like the art style. Am curious if they made any changes to the game based on feedback that it was a bit ‘slow’.

That looks AMAZING. MMmmm loving this artstyle.

Count me as someone who likes the visuals. Also gameplay looks fun. I get excited to play games that are retro in game design with high end visuals. Battletoads looks like it could hit the spot. Hopefully it is well received enough that Microsoft aims to bring back more retro styled passion projects.

Hopefully it’s not too hard. Family really enjoyed SoR 4 so a new beat’em up to play with them would be great.

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It looks so good!

Like the art style or not, but these hand-drawn animations are really, really good. A lot of personality in there.

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Oh…ummm…Battletoads will probably be a good game to play with the family…if you’d like to teach them humility or that life isn’t always fair. Otherwise Streets of Rage 4 is thankfully very repayable. Have you tried all the characters? Lol

Hope they patch in online play at some point. Still think that’s an odd omission.

Against all odds, this game looks fun as hell! Can’t wait to give it a whirl.

I’m really curious about this game, I hope it will be fun to play in co-op so I already have one more game to play with my son.

Looks superfun :grin:

Will play on Series X

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