Baldurs Gate 3 coming to Xbox this year

But December is also a holiday, a lot of people also get like a full week off from the 24th to the 1st in December.

Yeah. Story becomes wonky and feels rushed. There are also less companion interactions and the ending is not well executed. Datamining has shown they cut a large part of the map in act 3 and that there was supposed to be way more stuff to do and more endings.

Slight spoiler about cut map

The cut map is especially disappointing since it’s the upper city part of Baldur’s Gate. The city feels incomplete, which is weird since you would think they would flesh out the nominal reason the game is called Baldur’s Gate lol


I know November and December are the months where people spend the most money. However, I don’t think they should plan their release around Starfield on xbox. The hype for the game could cool down in December, so if they’r able to get it out October-November. Then that might be the best for all parties

I listen a gaming podcast called “Core” they are mostly old fashioned people who play traditional style RPGs and most of them are in love with BG3. For them it really feels like there really is a game master creating events rather than being on rails. Probably the game needs polishing.

Oh I wish there was some big rpg coming soon we could play while BG3 is being polished :joy:

I bought BG1 for like $2 and I am having a great time figuring out what to do. The game is far from my comfort zone but is is very enjoyable.

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Their first patch fixed 1000 bugs. Haha

Starfield is grabbing all the headlines and the game coming to Xbox this year has disarmed Sony fanboys faux hype in their attempt to use the game as ammo

BG1 is great, and BG2 is a lot better still. They are a bit hard to get into if you’re not used to the rtwp combat, but I still consider BG2 the blueprint every crpg should strife towards.

I also bought BG2! but im happy with BG1 for now! It is true that the combat is a bit clumsy by today standars. It is hard to tell when the turns tick and when chars go into auto mode.

Here I am with a powerful gaming laptop, a Series X and… playing BG1!!!


Awesome games are awesome games.

How many times did you die to the first wolf?


Lol. Only once I just reload and run away the opposite way after being destroyed by a single wolf.

I love how the game doesn’t give a shit. For the first 5 mins it holds your hand and then it push you off a cliff !!!


Condensed is not the correct word, because Act 3 is huge. There are conclusions to all the companion quests, the main story quest, and many other quest lines that started in Act 1 and 2. There are even brand new quest lines that begin and end in Act 3. In terms of hours of content, I suspect Act 3 is roughly the same size as Act 1 and 2.

Despite that, some of the quests seem incomplete. They “end” but don’t have as satisfying an ending as you would hope. It certainly seems like either there was cut content or some DLC/definitive edition was planned from the start.

In addition, Act 3 is by far the buggiest of the three Acts. Hopefully the big patch that just came out addresses a lot of the issues.


CRPG fans probably still think it’s the best thing since sliced bread, normies with FOMO realized they’re not into this style of game, and Greg Miller found out it’s not “Sony’s Starfield killer?!?!” after all.


Did Greg Miller really label it as such?! I like the KF crew overall, but some of the things he says on occasion really play into the console warrior mindset.

I am hearing a lot of bad stuff about Act 3 . It makes me wonder if reviewers even played that act heavily. My friends that got to that act didn’t have a positive experience.

KF called it “the PS5’s answer to Starfield” or somesuch. :rofl:

I haven’t used all the characters, but from DOS2, most of the characters arcs complete in Arx(act 4). As we can still, and imo it’s highly recommend to reach level to 20 on higher difficulty, finish all the characters stories without them there.

All of this involves quite a bit of content, but is all thrown within the same area: 2 characters story involves the main quest, 1 involves their passenger, another their bethroval, and another their sister. Only 1 character gets to conclude their story arc in The nameless isle(act3).

But everything is set in an area that’s smaller than act 2 and maybe act 3.