Backwards Compatibility |OT| Aging like fine wine

Neither of the games you listed are probably getting patches since there is 0 need to do so aside from maybe Gears UE which just needs the FPS boost tbh.

Gears of War Ultimate was demoed using the Heutchy method to run in 4K

Well playing the dreadful Xbox one versions of games with 60 fps and auto hdr at 900p or whatever resolution is not something I would ever do. Oh well at least letā€™s hope that some heavy hitters that got great Xbox one x patches like RDR2 and the last few AC games get this frame rate boost.

So where is it ? Where is the Heutchy method in Xbox one games ?

On its way I imagine

In fact, we saw Gears of War Ultimate Edition operating with a 2x resolution scale on both axes, taking a 1080p game all the way up to native 4K. Itā€™s an evolution of the [Heutchy Method] used to bring Xbox 360 720p titles up to full 4K, with often [spectacular results]

While playing Yakuza 5 on Series S it hit me that Iā€™m actually playing a backwards compatible game. To me OG Xbox and Xbox 360 are BC and Xbox One is current gen. Iā€™m starting to feel old.

Square released a remake of it few years ago and, of course, skipped Xbox. :upside_down_face:

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There is an update for the Metal Gear Solid Hd collection on series X. Someone knows what is it? I wasnā€™t able to find any patch note

Backwards comp games be getting random updates that dont really mean anything besides maybe stability or something like that from the system level. Nothing to do with the game.

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Iā€™ve spent some time this week returning to Mirrorā€™s Edge, a game I played a little bit of but never completed back in the day. Wow, what a special game. The art style and movement are totally unique, and it looks AMAZING in 4K with all the clean, sun-bleached white architecture. Certainly not a flawless game, but with cleaned up visuals and performance on Series X, and removed from the whole ā€œIs a game with a short campaign and no multiplayer really worth $60ā€ discussion since itā€™s included in Game Pass, itā€™s a total gem that everyone should check out.


I definitely agree. The clean art style has lead the game to age really well. And this thing was really $60 at launch? Itā€™s a really fun, unique game, but no way in hell Iā€™d pay $60 for it.

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I just found my OG Xbox Halo CE disk. Frustrates me that it doesnā€™t work on Xbox Series/Xbox One. I know you can buy MCC but the original Halo CE should be on BC. Itā€™s legendary and we should be able to play the original Halo CE disk.

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This ā€œthingā€ is an excellent 3d platformer with great mechanics and amazing level design that has enough content and replay value to keep you busy for a lot of hours so yeah it was 60 euros at launch and it was totally worth it. :stuck_out_tongue:


I canā€™t wait for the restart of the whole endeavour, Major Nelsonā€™s posts every 2 weeks were among the most anticipated gaming news for me when they were a thing, you never knew what gem of the past would have been resurrected.


I do agree that itā€™s an excellent game, but as a student who games on a steep budget, I only would have bought it on a sale. Perhaps like $40.

Mirrors Edge was excellent. But it bombed at retail so you didnā€™t had to wait long to get it for real cheap. I paid like 20 bucks in 2009 and they even gave me a nice shirt.

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Iā€™m honestly surprised it even managed to get a sequel.

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From what Iā€™ve heard itā€™s the kind of sequel that stripped out all the stuff people loved about the first one. I donā€™t know for sure though, got lots of motion-sickness ten minutes into the first one :cry:

Yeah itā€™s a worse game but still enjoyable. The first game still holds up at least.

Popped in my $3 Syndicate disc so I might finally finish up that much-maligned campaign this weekend. I wonder why itā€™s not on EA Play despite being an EA game thatā€™s BC. Licensing issue with the Syndicate name maybe?